Daily horoscopes for 23rd August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 23rd August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">One of the things your friends and family love about you is your blazing enthusiasm. It can light up a room. Even more importantly, it can inspire others to be just as excited and involved as you are. In fact, your spirit of adventure is more contagious and enlightening than it normally is. You might just find yourself leading a ring of rather enthusiastic merrymakers. Whatever will you do? Well, whatever you want, actually.



<span id="intelliTxt">Why be in such a hurry to commit yourself, especially if you're not ready? Take your time and survey all your prospects before you make a decision. Whether it's money or a more emotional commitment that's on the line, there's no need to put any undue pressure on yourself to make a choice before the time is right. Listen to what your instincts are telling you in this matter and keep mum about what move you want to make until you're sure.



<span id="intelliTxt">Words of wisdom may be yours for the taking, especially if you make a point of talking about what's bothering you with your close friends. Your normal chattiness may not be as apparent with this issue, but try to get past that if at all possible. After all, you've got such a great circle of acquaintances, so why not take advantage of their wisdom? Some piece of advice someone gives you might just ring especially true for your problem.



<span id="intelliTxt">An automatic response may be exactly the wrong move to make today, so make sure you think before you do just about anything. A few hot potatoes may get tossed your way, but you can still take a moment or two to consider the best course of action before committing to one way or the other. In fact, just taking those split seconds to get a grip on the situation could make all the difference in the world.



<span id="intelliTxt">Inspiration abounds -- actually, it's almost like an embarrassment of riches where you're concerned. Try hanging around kids and animals, because that sort of carefree, unfettered energy will touch off an answering spark in you. This hang-loose attitude sparks your creativity in all kinds of areas and you're motivated to start having fun in all areas of your life. In fact, you might get so drunk with freedom you start saying what you really think!



<span id="intelliTxt">Perfection is as perfection does. In other words, don't slave over every last detail and exhaust yourself mentally in the process for an impossible ideal. Your time and efforts are much better spent toward working for more practical and highly achievable tasks where you can see the results of your hard work. Once you're finished, you can revel in the rewards and relax a bit, too. Doesn't that sound much nicer than trying to be perfect?



<span id="intelliTxt">Your genuine interest in people gets you over any rough spots you might experience today, especially once flightier types realize that you're not interested in half-hearted commitments or quick fixes. Diplomacy is your raison d'etre, and you make a point to follow through on each promise you give. That alone could win you a legion of fans, but your dedication to your fellow human gives them even more reason to love you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Normally you're not much of a joiner -- if there's one sign in the zodiac who's most comfortable going it alone, it's you -- but right now you make an exception for a truly worthy cause that needs your immediate attention and your formidable skills. You won't regret lending a hand, especially when you see how much your attention is appreciated, and how well it meshes with what others have to offer as well. Give 'til it hurts.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're one of the most fun-loving signs in the zodiac, and right now that zippy, lighthearted energy that's your signature is turned up to eleven. Even routine trips to the grocery store become fabulous adventures in the unexplored when you bring your unique perspective and love of laughter. Is it any wonder people are clamoring to be in your presence? Your charming self is off the charts when it comes to personal magnetism.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like someone in your family is running hot and cold? It might be as simple as a clash between impetuous youth and wise elders, or a similar circumstance that looks black-and-white from the outside. Whatever side of the argument you happen to fall on, it's key to remember how things looked when you had a much different stance. That alone could give you some common ground to fall back on as you discuss the matter at hand.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're rebellious, you're quirky, you're eccentric, and one of the things you're most eccentric about is your unwavering commitment on how to make this world a better place. To you it's not a corny or impractical sentiment at all, but an endlessly fascinating puzzle to be tackled over and over again. Right now you've got innovative ideas aplenty on how to improve things for everyone here on this tiny blue marble.



<span id="intelliTxt">You don't have to have all the answers in order to keep moving. Your path today is very similar to driving through a fog: all you need to count on is that the road is there, and that your headlights will illuminate the path directly in front of you. So rather than worry about what might be around the next bend, concentrate on working with what you have right now. You'll be onto the next stretch of clear road before you know it.



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