Daily horoscopes for 28th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 28th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">It's tempting to answer your email, talk on your cell and check your voicemail all at once. Today might actually be one of the few times when you could get away with all of it, too. However, do make an attempt to check in with yourself even during the height of your multitasking buzz rather than attempting to seek new heights. It's important to check in and see how you are, especially when you're energy's running as high as it is now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Focus on the moment and put aside complicated five-year plans right now. There are so many wonderful things going on right under your nose, and you should set out to explore as many of them as you can. You've got a ton of stamina, and you love the rewards that your work ethos brings, but it's time to remember that there are plenty of things to enjoy that don't involve big payoffs. Otherwise what are you working so hard for?



<span id="intelliTxt">When you bat those big eyes, people come running to do your bidding and then want to stick around to see what other hi-jinks you'll come up with. What fun! Go ahead and spread that flirtatious energy around. It's all fun and games today, so make sure that everyone knows that's what's on your agenda. People who want to come along for a lark are absolutely welcome, but any gloomy types might be better off at home.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's so easy to get caught up in a side issue or distracted by something else going on in your head that you miss the main point, but don't let that happen to you or something extremely important could pass you by. Keep your wits sharp and your focus concentrated on what's right in front of you and you'll make sure that you don't miss a trick. Make sure you've got a way to record what's going on so you can review it later.



<span id="intelliTxt">Where would you be without the supportive shoulders and listening ears of your friends? There's nothing like support from your social network to remind you of how lucky you are and to inspire you to great heights. That's especially true right now when you're fomenting some big plans in that noggin of yours and need trustworthy types to free-associate and brainstorm with. Remember to listen to their plans after you're done talking, too.



<span id="intelliTxt">Think twice, speak once. That's your mantra for the day, and one that will serve you well when it comes to personal matters in particular. (Heck, it's not such a bad habit to get into at work, either.) Your mind is moving at a more rapid pace than usual, so any tendency to blurt out what you're thinking could backfire in a big way. Instead, make sure that you have your mental editor on alert at all times before addressing someone today.



<span id="intelliTxt">Expect tidings of great abundance and new beginnings, especially when it comes to social connections. You're inspired to start up new conversations and new patterns in your friendships to keep things lively. In the normal course of things, you act as the connector between people, but you might come in contact with someone who has access to truly edifying things -- hello, box seats! This fresh-start fever is just what you need.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your imagination runneth over. Why not take advantage of this rush of inspiration and propose a few changes at work? Normally you excel at digging deep and analyzing topics, but right now is a great time to brainstorm, create castles in the air and think big, wide-ranging thoughts. Don't be afraid to think about revamping things from top to bottom, although implementing those changes is best put off for a day or two.



<span id="intelliTxt">Keep yourself on your toes by diving into a challenge headfirst -- especially a self-imposed challenge. Always been afraid of the high dive? Then it's time to sign up for those diving lessons. Public speaking always have you tongue-tied? Volunteer to speak at a local career day or give a presentation. You'll find that walking straight up to your fear not only vanquishes it, but stimulates your brain in new and exciting ways.



<span id="intelliTxt">Cut the fat with whatever it is you do today. Some signs like to say that nothing exceeds like excess, but you're definitely not one of their ilk, especially now. No, you're a much hardier type, and you know that the one with the least baggage moves ahead at the fastest rate. So whatever it is that you find excessive, burdensome or just plain unnecessary -- go ahead and leave it behind. If it turns out you need it, you can always come back later.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you've ever watched any of those black-and-white screwball comedies, you know that snappy repartee can lead to connections of a different and far more romantic kind. Whether you've been with someone for ages or are exploring the possibilities of a new partner, make sure you really exercise the ol' gray matter with them. Intellectual interests can lead to a whole lot more, especially now.



<span id="intelliTxt">One of the fantastic things about great poetry is how one line can mean one thing when viewed in a certain light, and something entirely different when it's read again. Think of your life as an epic poem in progress, with various interpretations that can be applied to each of its events. So rather than labeling something as 'good' or 'bad,' why not simply wait to see what happens next? You might be surprised at their true meaning.



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