Daily horoscopes for 1st September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 1st September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">The more, the merrier. Make sure you wear something spectacular, because you're all about big crowds, tons of distractions and lots of noise. If there's a circus or state fair in your area, get over there at once, because you're sure to have a blast. If not, why don't you see what you can do about maybe duplicating that same carnival atmosphere at your own work or residence? Just run it by any powers that be first, and then start it up. There's more than enough fun to go around, especially if you're the one doing the dispensing.



<span id="intelliTxt">You may feel as if your nose isn't just put to the grindstone -- it's more like it's been glued there. Keep up your heroic efforts, though, and you'll see your work come to fruition and then some. There may be some tasks that require Herculean amounts of strength, but you're more than capable of getting them out of the way. After all, big triumphs usually require big amounts of energy. You know you're up to the task, so have faith that you can get it done.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sparks fly when you engage someone in a little one-on-one discussion regarding a stimulating issue. If you're loving the debate for the sake of debate alone, make sure you let your partner know that, or they could mistake your intellectual fervor for a heat of a different kind. You make brainy connections in all kinds of ways and with all kinds of people right now, but the trick is to keep things on the light end of the spectrum.



<span id="intelliTxt">Splash out? Heck, you're ready to make so many splashes you're practically a one-person water park. Nothing but the best is good enough for you right now, which makes for a welcome change of pace from your usual frugal self. Caring signs like yourself excel at keeping house and saving money, but every now and then you deserve to indulge in an extravagance that reminds you exactly how nice life can be.



<span id="intelliTxt">Energy isn't just your middle name -- right now, it's your job title as well. You're glowing like the sun and you've got magnetism to spare. Everything's pretty much set to go your way in whatever matter you wish. Need a table at the best restaurant in town with no reservations? No problem! Want first dibs on the posh new office opening up at work? You've got it. How about having a great time no matter what today? Well, that's guaranteed.



<span id="intelliTxt">Creativity and goodwill toward your fellow humans are simply bubbling out of you right now. That's a pretty powerful one-two punch you're packing, so make sure you focus all your energy where it could do the most good. Not only do these current influences make you happy, they send you in dynamic directions that you couldn't have foreseen on your own. Feeling fulfilled while you help others makes you one lucky duck.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's a game of follow-the-leader, and you've been elected the designated skipper right now. Everyone wants to follow your move, especially when it comes to fun and games. Why not skip the movies and opt for something a lot more enriching and interactive? You and your companions could enjoy some dance, a new play or some live music. The stars say that you especially will eat up any cultural event with a spoon.



<span id="intelliTxt">It could be a red-letter day for you at work, but only if you make an effort to really concentrate your efforts and not let yourself be distracted by any happenings with the higher-ups. Some of the powers that be may be looking for trouble, so make sure that you don't present a moving target for their grumpy attitude. Lie low, work hard and make sure you follow up and solidify plans before the days end, and you'll have laid a foundation for later success.



<span id="intelliTxt">Always look on the bright side of life -- that's your personal motto. It's amazing how well it works out for you, too. Many times tricky situations work out for the best simply because you expect that that's what will happen, especially when it comes to tackling new endeavors. The stars signal approval for any risks you may want to take, so go right ahead. Your winning attitude ensures that things will go your way.



<span id="intelliTxt">Taking things at face value isn't the best of ideas right now. Instead, why not look beneath the surface at someone's motives? This is especially wise if the deal being presented is too good to be true, or the person in question seems just a touch too eager for you to agree to the deal that's currently on the table. Simply smile and say you need more time to think about it so you can decide at a later date.



<span id="intelliTxt">Only chumps don't compromise. Keep that in mind if some stubbornness is coming up during your negotiations. In order to keep things moving forward, keep a broader view in mind. What brings the most benefits to all the participants? Can you delay some points that would provide instant gratification if it means you'll gain some rich long-term benefits? Try to convey those points to the other party if they're the ones who are balking.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's so tempting to offer advice, especially when you just know that you could really help someone out. Do whatever it takes to avoid interfering right now, though. Bite your tongue -- hard. Tie a string around your finger and tug on it. It's absolutely imperative that people be allowed to make their own mistakes. If you keep rescuing them, they won't learn a thing -- except that you'll always be there to get them out of scrapes.



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