Horoscope 19th April 2004

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Horoscope 19th April 2004

Post by swetha » Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:16 pm

You are at your best imaginative and intuitive self today. This could imply a great boost to your creativity, whether of old projects or new. It could also indicate an enhanced understanding of those who mean the most to you, including your current love interest, and a strengthening of all emotional bonds. A very happening day on both artistic and romantic levels.

Group activities should prove satisfying on both intellectual and emotional levels today. Meet people whom your are close to for highly stimulating, fascinating and enlightening discussions. If you're not currently involved romantically, someone at the gathering should suddenly seem especially attractive and attentive to you. Take a walk after the meeting if you can. You'll have a lot to absorb.

Career and money matters do well today and thus you're probably looking ahead to your future goals. You may be thinking in terms of striking out on your own in some way, perhaps in the healing or artistic fields. You're in the right space to consider all your options, so take advantage of it while you can. Think about all the possibilities that are facing you and try to decide which ones appeal to you the most.

Excitement may remain throughout the day as you and someone close to you, perhaps a love partner, discuss the possibility of taking a trip to a distant and exotic place. Your travel plans could represent a change in the status of your relationship, implying a deeper commitment and a stronger understanding of each other. Don't be surprised if you suddenly seem to be reading each other's minds, as well.

Love, sex, and romance continue to progress as a new understanding appears to grow between you and a romantic partner. If you're both artistic, an idea for a new project might be discussed between you today, which definitely adds fuel to the romantic fire. An ideal night for a quiet dinner together in your favorite restaurant , for you'll be able to discuss anything you want - and thus grow closer together.

An old friend may suddenly come on like a potential love partner which you could find a bit disconcerting, at least at first. This could come as a shock, but take a good look at the situation. What do you really think of this person? Could there be actual romantic potential here? Don't write it off without considering it carefully. You might discover a spark in yourself that's always lain dormant before.

Work should be going very well for you right now, especially since your relationships with colleagues should be congenial, cooperative, and supportive. Open , clear , honest communication ia the mantra for the day. The level of morale at the workplace is very high right now, so you and everyone else should accomplish a few wonders over the next couple of days with a minimum of effort.

Romance especially should be going beautifully, nurtured by intellectual compatibility and a lot of fascinating discussions about subjects that interest you both. This is not the time for disco dancing or attending large parties. A quiet dinner alone together in your favorite restaurant should put you in just the right mood for getting to know each other better.

Some vivid and intense dreams could come to you tonight, perhaps even in color and involving smells. You might wake up disappointed to find they aren't real! Don't be too disappointed, however. They may be prophetic, or they may reveal facts about yourself and your colleagues that could shed light on current situations that should be clarified. If their meanings aren't clear now, write them down, set them aside, and look at them later.

If you're into writing, this is the day to try your hand. Your imagination is operating at a high level, and intuitive insights could be coming to you thick and fast. At some point you might want to kick your ideas around with the people closest to you, which could lead to some interesting ideas. Whether your writing is technical, legal, or creative, you'll probably produce some excellent work today.

If you've been looking for the kind of work that appeals to your desire to serve others, today you just might find it, or at least get a lead on it. A female friend could point you in the right direction. You should have an immediate rapport with the people in charge, and thus you have an advantage. Only caution: don't come across as being too quirky and unconventional. Do, however, show your compassion and sensitivity. Good luck

You and your current love partner have probably never been getting along better, dear Pisces. The intensity of feeling between you is obvious, not only to yourselves but to everyone around you. Today you should just flow with the feelings, and make the most of them without thinking you have to do anything about them. Just bask in the glow of what you and your partner have. Some people never find it.

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