Daily horoscopes for 4th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 4th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">There's nothing quite so satisfying as a job well done. Remind yourself of that if your enthusiasm starts to wane in the face of what seems like a mountain of details all clamoring for your attention. Why not hand some of those tasks over to a trustworthy associate? Tell them the results you need and the timeline you're on. Just remember that once you do, it's strictly hands-off. Really, you're in good hands, so go ahead and relax.



<span id="intelliTxt">Love may just reveal itself when you least expect it, but you have to stop searching for it so frantically first. Instead, think about what it is that you enjoy doing, the people you like having around and what kind of goals you want. You may end up becoming so absorbed in having a life that you forget all about love. Of course, this is exactly what the stars are waiting for when they hit you with a whammy of something deliciously romantic.



<span id="intelliTxt">The key to long-term achievement is keeping everything on the down low when a certain boss type is going mad with power. While it may be tempting to point out areas in which they could, er, improve things in the workplace (or their own attitude), they won't take kindly to any suggestions right now, no matter how well-meant. Save any constructive criticism for later, when they're more in the mood to deal with it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone you care about may be acting a little distant, but it's not you -- it's them, so don't take their mood to heart. It's doubly important that you don't let their funk put a damper on your high spirits. Motivate yourself to take charge and stir up some action, whether it's renovating your love life or your home. Perhaps it's even time to take a look at some ways to climb up the career ladder. Don't hesitate to dive right in.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sitting there in limbo? That's absolutely normal, so stop pressuring yourself and take a break instead. It's an excellent time to take off on a vacation, even if that means sitting in the park and listening to your iPod while you watch the sun set. (Hey, every little bit counts!) Go ahead and let your mind roam far afield before you try and collect your thoughts. By the evening, you'll feel revived and ready for action.



<span id="intelliTxt">Life is far from ordinary for you right now. The stars stir up your world and bring lots of unusual and unpredictable influences into your daily routine. This affects everything do, think or say, so don't be taken aback if you hear the most surprising things coming out of your mouth. The best thing to do in a situation like this is go with the flow -- and enjoy the motion while you're at it. You might just learn a (life-changing) thing or two along the way.



<span id="intelliTxt">Isn't it time you, well, grew up? You can pay your bills, buy a house and hold down a job, and still, that's not really the mark of a truly mature person -- those are just the accessories that we think signify adulthood. The stars are telling you that it's time to take responsibility for your actions and be accountable for the consequences that follow. Once you start paying attention to this, it's amazing how your life can really straighten up and fly right.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your colleagues adore you, and it's no wonder -- you work extremely hard and don't think twice about pitching in when someone else needs a hand. Your office practically feels like a second home and your coworkers like a second family. However, it's still a good idea to remain wary if someone new keeps offering help when you least need it. They may not be as innocent as they seem, so play your cards close to your chest.



<span id="intelliTxt">Pinning your hopes on one prospect? Be careful, or the glitter might wear off, especially the more you burden it with your aspirations. Take a look at its real worth before you consider abandoning it. Dig deep within yourself and feel confident that you're someone of considerable determination and ingenuity, and you can finesse this opportunity into something invaluable. It could take a little while, so be patient, but it will pay off.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get off the fence and be clear when communicating with a group. You've been trying too hard for too long to be everything to everybody, and it's making you crazy -- and not winning you the fans you hoped it would. (Not only that, you're not feeling too hot about yourself lately, either.) You have only your self-respect to gain by speaking up for what you believe in -- and any losses you might incur, well, the universe promises that it will ultimately be your gain.



<span id="intelliTxt">An extraordinary alliance with a work mentor or office buddy will help you break free of a limiting role on the job, and you've never been more grateful to be given the opportunity to spread your wings and fly. While you're overcome with gratitude, remember that it was your willingness to speak up and take a chance that got the ball rolling. The lesson? Go ahead and dare to be different. It sure beats the alternative.



<span id="intelliTxt">Wincing at the thought of some less-than-stellar behavior on your part and feeling, oh, just a touch defensive? Brush off criticisms -- including your own -- and focus resolutely on the present and future. Flagellating yourself will only lead to a treacherous bog of low self-esteem. Instead, take a look at what you can change for the better, resolve to correct any inappropriate behavior and apologize when necessary. Now move on.



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