Daily horoscopes for 5th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 5th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Reevaluating your goals right now is a great idea, especially since the astrological influences favor contemplation and gift your already keen eye with even more perceptiveness when it comes to looking at the details. When you turn your attention inward and put your life under the microscope, you may not necessarily like everything you see. The good news is, anything you don't like is well within your power to change.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your magnetism has been slowly but surely heating up, and right now it's about to come to a full boil. Few can resist your sultry self even at your lowest ebb, but at a time like this when your charisma is practically off the charts, you can talk the birds down from the trees. Now the only question is where to aim all this dazzling charm. Be generous and share it with everyone who crosses your path.



<span id="intelliTxt">Doubts can be so nasty -- and nastily persistent, especially when you want to close your eyes and ears and remain firmly ensconced in your fantasy of how everything should work out. Sometimes, however, those nagging thoughts serve a purpose, especially when it comes to financial matters. Stay cautious and thoroughly research the credentials of any potential investors or partners, or you could be misled by their smooth ways and crafty talk.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's about time to get to know yourself, don't you think? This is especially true if you find your friends and family with definite opinions about what you should do with your life, romantic situation, etc. Ignore the mixed signals that are coming your way and sit down and think about what it is you want to do, rather than what you feel you should do. A little extra research will be especially useful when it comes to professional conundrums.



<span id="intelliTxt">As far as you're concerned, freedom and privacy are pretty much the same thing -- and absolutely necessary for your peace of mind. Put off returning phone calls and emails or following up on social obligations; not only will these tasks make you cranky, but you also won't be able to devote your full attention to them. Right now, you want to make the boundaries of your personal territory very clear -- and woe to anyone who enters without an invitation.



<span id="intelliTxt">Push rewind on your life and you might just see a few partners or opportunities that you had overlooked. Fortunately, these possibilities still remain -- it's just a question of seeking them out. Timing is everything when it comes to reigniting sparks from the past, so make good use of your abundant sensitivity when it comes to feeling someone out about an offer they made you long ago. Keep your common sense and don't get lost in flights of fancy, though.



<span id="intelliTxt">Resolutions aren't just for New Year's, you know. Right now the stars want you to be strong and work toward finding ways to close the books on some lingering patterns that have been with you for far too long, especially in the realm of personal relationships. Why do certain things keep occurring? Why do you always attract a certain type of person? It's a good time to get answers to these kinds of questions, so start asking.



<span id="intelliTxt">Lately you've really come into your own, but this process, while rewarding, can also be challenging. There are people or situations that you'd like to take for granted or regard as secure, but these foundations have to change in order to allow real growth. Keep yourself pointed in the right direction through all these changes, and you'll see the kind of self-fulfillment that you've only dreamed about start to emerge.



<span id="intelliTxt">Don't get too ambitious with those plans, or they could unravel at a crucial juncture. If you take it one step at a time and focus on the task immediately in front of you, the big picture will take shape soon enough. Relationships improve when you apply this attitude to them as well, and you're able to make smart decisions by staying firmly rooted in the here and now. Who knew by giving yourself the present, you'd give yourself a future as well?



<span id="intelliTxt">A special opportunity comes along that gives you independence and creative freedom. This opening may not be crystal clear, so keep your eyes and ears open in all directions (even the most unlikely). After all, you don't want to miss your main chance due to closed-mindedness, do you? Some skills of yours will really come into play when it comes to identifying your chances. Look to your wizardry with words and images to reach your goal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Stepping forward into a brave new emotional world often entails some kind of upheaval, but what's the worst that could happen? You have so much to gain if you make a move, and plenty to lose if you stay mired in an increasingly stale situation. Ditch the stagnation and do everything you can to move forward. You've grown too much and come too far to let a case of nerves stop you. Feel the fear and do it anyway.



<span id="intelliTxt">A certain troublesome person had disappeared from your life at work -- and good riddance. Or so you thought. They might rear their pesky little head, but don't worry -- their appearance will only be temporary. In fact, certain recent events might have so humbled this person that they might have become tolerable, even if not likeable. This is great, because you won't have to bear a repeat of their old shenanigans.



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