Daily horoscopes for 9th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 9th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Some verbal fallout from a recent confrontation with someone close to you could have big emotional repercussions and lead you to question this person's loyalty. Get some exercise to clear your head, and think about meditating or taking a yoga class to get your mind and emotions in sync so you can deal with this situation calmly. After all, having a heart-to-heart won't help if you go into it feeling confused, cloudy or upset.



<span id="intelliTxt">If your emotions were a bank, you might be feeling just a touch overdrawn right now; remember that while it's always nice to feel a little nostalgia for days of yore, you're really not helping yourself by staying stuck in the past. In fact, you may actually be missing a wonderful opportunity by not being fully present in the here and now. Not only is the present moment pretty great, but your future could be bright indeed -- if you can get out of your memories.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your restless mood translates into you wanting to explore different paths and become acquainted with unusual types that you'd normally consider unsuitable for your usual social sphere. Actually, these radically 'different' types could turn out to have far more in common with you than you'd think, especially once you get past the superficial differences and really get to the heart of the matter. So throw away those outdated checklists and give 'em a shot.



<span id="intelliTxt">Understanding leads to compassion, especially when it comes to a particularly difficult situation with a loved one. It's not just a matter of trying to see it from their point of view -- instead, drop all rigid boundaries of who's right and who's wrong and see the current events from their emotional, mental and spiritual standpoint. If you try to understand someone, you'll find that your anger with them has fled.



<span id="intelliTxt">Curb your appetite for the spotlight, and you may learn something extremely important about someone's agenda that had previously escaped you. Isn't it amazing, the things you can discover when you listen carefully to other people? Take this lesson to heart. You know you deserve center stage, but all the time? Not only is that not possible, it's not even desirable, as you'd well know if you really took the time to think about it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Now is your chance to break free from the pack and capture something or someone that is your heart's desire. Give it everything you've got -- any holding back will seem like hesitation or weakness and will end up just confusing matters. A rare opportunity or crucial turning point is waiting specifically for you, so make sure you don't get caught up in anyone else's drama. Stick up for yourself and take what's yours.



<span id="intelliTxt">You have a chance to really change the boundaries of a financial agreement, thanks to some particularly helpful fiscal energies emanating from the stars. This is especially true when it comes to negotiations or other social events -- when you bring the full force of your diplomacy and charm, things will go exceptionally well. Go ahead and use your formidable powers of persuasion to overcome resistance to shifting the terms of the deal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some scintillatingly stellar energies are zipping through your sign right now, giving you an extra dose of sex appeal. Not only does this enhance the power of first impressions, but it gives you the ability to think on your feet. Sparkling repartee, anyone? This is a welcome change after a brief moment of self-doubt. One of the biggest lessons the stars want you to learn is that sexiness has everything to do with your insides, and not nearly as much with your outsides.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like your home life is in need of some serious transformation? It's no wonder, with the mutable celestial influences going on in your life right now. You may decide a relationship needs a serious overhaul if you're attached; if you're single, you may radically rethink your approach to this whole love thing. An obstacle may emerge during all this change, but learn to roll with it and it'll be a molehill instead of a mountain.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're an attention-grabber with top-notch ideas -- and on the job, you're definitely on a roll. Spread the word and let people know exactly what kind of big plans you've got for your company -- right now your charm is maximized and can convince even the most doubting Thomas. Go ahead and gather allies around you, because one of them is going to make a crucial connection on your behalf at just the right moment.



<span id="intelliTxt">A last-minute reprieve on the job arrives, possibly in the form of financial rescue or a looming deadline that suddenly gets pushed back. Not only does this give you a way out of a confining situation, it makes you realize that it's time to make some major changes so you're not subjected to circumstances like this on a regular basis. Will you commit to something new? The celestial influences say go for it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Right now you'll make much more progress by hitching your wagon to a team rather than trotting solo. You get a ton done on your own, but you need a more social dynamic to get ahead. This group will help you hone a whole new set of skills that will impress a group of movers and shakers that you thought were beyond you. On the contrary, you'll discover that with enough effort and ambition, practically nothing is beyond you.



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