Daily horoscopes for 14th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 14th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like you've been assigned a Mission: Impossible? Well, you can choose whether you accept it or not -- really. Just because someone asks you to do something doesn't mean you have to automatically say yes. Think it over carefully and decide how much of an imposition it would be and whether the long-term payoffs are worth the short-term hassle. If, after some consideration, you still feel up to it, then by all means say yes.



<span id="intelliTxt">An extra zap of energy juices up your personal ambitions, and you increase your attention to personal relationships. No one is immune to you when you're at your most charismatic, so you can cast a spell over even the testiest of friends, lovers or family members who have become a source of irritation. The key to making the most of this energy is to exercise your powers of selection -- squandering this on all and sundry is simply criminal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Playing hide-and-go-seek with reality will only cause more havoc than it's worth, so face the truth as you juggle personal and professional options. This means you may have to work through some scary-seeming issues, but face up to everything honestly and bravely. Remember when you were a kid and thought there were monsters in the closet until you turned on the light? Bring some light to these old problems you've been avoiding.



<span id="intelliTxt">Join forces with an unlikely ally, and you may just pull of a surprising triumph when you least expect it. Now is the time to put aside all differences and tackle this task together. While the two of you may have very different motives, in the end you want to see the same thing accomplished. Keep your mind focused on that, and it'll be enough to get you past any petty differences of opinion or ego clashes that crop up along the way.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've got a great chance to put your money where your mouth is. Although a few sacrifices (including some personal time or space) may be necessary, the rewards of turning your big ideas into an even better reality are worth it. In fact, you might just see such fantastically tangible results that you resolve to act on your good intentions more often. You'll make a visible difference in areas -- and lives -- where it really counts.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you haven't been feeling your best, this is a great time to shape up or ship out. Everything's in the right place for you to revamp your exercise and eating habits in order to bring out a healthier, happier you. Not only will you see physical results, but your mental health and stress levels will benefit as well. Remember that a little bit everyday is better than going overboard only to lose your enthusiasm later on, and you'll integrate these new choices into your daily life.



<span id="intelliTxt">Those days of sniping at your sister over who gets the front seat? Well, hopefully they're long gone. However, old family dynamics might be showing up in other relationships -- often when you least expect it. It's time to take a look at emotional holdovers from your childhood and how they might be adversely affecting your primary personal relationships. Now that you're full-grown, it's time to stop old habits from becoming full-blown problems in the present.



<span id="intelliTxt">You finally get what you want. Maybe that means the relationship you've been dreaming of arrives in the nick of time, or that promotion or funding for a new project falls into your lap when you least expected it. Instead of sitting back and relaxing the way most other people would, see if you can't coax out a little bit more -- like maybe a firmer commitment or extra job perks. It's worth a try. Just do it without seeing overly aggressive.



<span id="intelliTxt">A romance heats up or rekindles when you least expect it. The only problem is that a key component of your 'perfect' mate might not be exactly what you expected. Believe it or not, this is a good thing. After all, where's the joy in anything if you get everything you want every single time? If that were the case, life would just be one long boring rerun. Some folks may be judgmental, but you know what's best for you.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've suspected it for a while, but now you know -- something in this situation isn't working, and it's time to do something about it. Luckily, major planetary movements are preparing to sweep away what's bothering you -- as long as you're willing to do some grunt work, too. Your tasks include taking stock of your behaviors and what's worked as well as what hasn't. Then, leap to take advantage of the opportunity the stars will present you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Somehow -- and you're not exactly sure when this happened -- you ended taking a detour on your career path, and now you're stuck with a flat on a side road. Never fear, however, because this time is about to come to an end, with a little work from you -- and your lucky stars. It's not an entirely straightforward time; while you're chafing at your current position, it's also a little scary to be forced out of the nest. You've got the wing power to fly higher, though, so go for it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Put business before pleasure, and you'll defuse a potentially stormy situation brewing at home. It's time to tackle tasks as they happen instead of letting them pile up into one big scary-looking heap. Don't be content just doing nothing -- work a little harder and make an effort to spruce up your home, romance your partner and catch up with friends you haven't seen in far too long. Strangely, all this activity will refresh you and motivate you even more.



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