Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2006

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Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2006

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">You can reach an important compromise in a power struggle with an authority figure today. If you both agree to follow the path of least resistance, you'll soon see that your goals can align. A detour could put you in the right place at the right time, so allow yourself to get lost a little (if time permits). The support you've been giving to so many people will start to come back to you today. Utilize the shoulder that's being given to you. It's okay to lean!



<span id="intelliTxt">By definition, a routine is a prescribed course of action ... so if you're tired of the predictability of your life right now, you need to toss your routine right out of the window! The only way to create big changes in your life is to start making smaller changes (after all, they add up!). So think small -- take a new route to work, wear mismatched socks or take the stairs instead of the elevator, for example. Shake up your day. At the very least, it'll be interesting!



<span id="intelliTxt">To get your new plans launched successfully, you're going to have to dig deeply and use your creativity. It's been a while since you got to truly have free reign with all your artistic ideas and impulses, so take full advantage of it today! Dancing, singing, writing, rapping ... all of these tools are in your arsenal, and they could contribute to your success. So pull them out and use them liberally. Try on the hat of the entertainer -- it may be a perfect fit.



<span id="intelliTxt">Despite some possible feelings of concern on your part, the balance of power between you and a partner (either romantic or professional) is not in danger today. So if you're asked to make an extra effort in the relationship, you shouldn't feel suspicious. Giving aid to someone in distress will make you feel better about yourself -- and reinforce your importance in their life. The two of you are a team. It will be in your own best interest to lessen the load by going the extra mile.



<span id="intelliTxt">Is a thorough house cleaning in order? The stars say it might be time to get rid of some of that junk you've been keeping around for no apparent reason. And we're not just talking about the physical things you've been hanging onto -- the emotional junk needs to go as well. You can see what must be done right now, and you know you need to do it. The sooner you let go of the excess baggage, the sooner you'll be ready to take on new, valuable people and experiences.



<span id="intelliTxt">Does an approaching date or event have you nervous? There's no need to worry about your performance -- you're clearly entering rock-star territory, and folks are eager to see what you have to offer. They're more supportive than critical, though -- so expect a huge round of applause. Your performance won't disappoint, and the buzz will start. To keep the pressure from getting to you, grab some time by yourself today to conserve your energy and build your stamina.



<span id="intelliTxt">Despite the giddy glow you may get when you receive a raise or find a forgotten twenty-dollar bill in one of your pockets, money can't buy happiness. It's trite but true -- just like so many things in life. Hold onto this idea all day today, and many decisions will be easier. Put love, compassion and generosity ahead of holding onto your checkbook. Donate to a worthy cause, toss something extra into a tip jar and give a ridiculously generous gratuity to someone. It will all come back to you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Unpleasant memories may be holding you back. Luckily, today you're able to find a way to let go of these relics and keep them in the past, where they can't affect you anymore. A new person on the scene can inspire you to see things in a novel way and move on. Suddenly the old wounds you were nursing don't hurt so badly anymore. You're thinking positively about a new relationship, probably because it's preparing you for a brighter future.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your generosity is one of the best qualities about you, and recent gifts on your part have improved your reputation even more. So you're completely within your rights to be a little bit more conservative about what you give to other people right now. You should hold onto your resources tightly. They're not in danger of being taken, but you're going to need everything you have very soon. That rainy day fund of yours may come in handy.



<span id="intelliTxt">You can't look to other people for the validation you crave. An outside appraisal may feel more valuable, but in reality it can be filtered through all sorts of unhealthy or counterproductive lenses. Sometimes jealousy keeps people from being as honest as they should be. Ultimately, the real approval you seek can only come from deep within yourself. Without any guilt or compromise, you should feel confident about what you're doing -- and pride in what you've already done.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your recent accomplishments have set you up nicely for what's coming your way today. It's a wonderful day for coasting on the energy you've created around you, not for running to the next challenge. This doesn't mean you should rest on your laurels -- rather, you should enjoy the view from this mountain you've just climbed. You'll have plenty of time to scan for the next peak later. Right now, you should sit down and pat yourself on the back.



<span id="intelliTxt">If given the choice between action and relaxation today, it might be wisest for you to opt for the quieter path. This is not an ideal time to be taking on new responsibilities or increasing your public profile. Rather, it's the perfect time to indulge in some sanity-saving alone time. Even if you feel no need for solitude, it couldn't hurt to have some time to think about recent events. Plan out a new course of action for the coming months.



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Post by coboda » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:13 pm

thank you but may i ask when these are coming out? I am in Colorado, USA, &nbsp;so because today is Tuesday the 19th should go to the last posting to find todays horoscope?

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Post by Nicole » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:13 pm

coboda wrote:thank you but may i ask when these are coming out? I am in Colorado, USA,  so because today is Tuesday the 19th should go to the last posting to find todays horoscope?
The days are marked right there for us all.. They post them a couple of days ahead.. Enjoy~!! &nbsp;:smt006

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:26 am

They are posted a day in advance, but the reading for lets say the date 20th for all the ppl will be the same, irrespetive of the person staying in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa or America.

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