Daily horoscopes for 19th December, 2006

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Daily horoscopes for 19th December, 2006

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">Tell all the sheep that you are going your own way today! Buckling to peer pressure is so last year -- right now, you should be enjoying more-independent thoughts and plans. Who cares if you spend some time out on your own? At least you will be completely in charge of your experiences, and you can be proud of forging ahead while others are too scared to take necessary risks. Striking out alone will show you more about life -- and about yourself -- than you ever imagined.



<span id="intelliTxt">There is a lot of uncertainty in your financial world right now, so do not take any risks with what you buy or how you spend your money. Value is more important than ever, but you may have trouble recognizing it today -- and since you might not understand the poor quality of something until it's too late, it's best to avoid participating in capitalism. This is a day to go slow anyway -- freely spend your time, not your money.



<span id="intelliTxt">A favorite 'partner in crime' might be out of commission for a while -- so if you're looking for someone to join you on a fun-filled spree, it's time to break in a new partner. If you've enjoyed hanging out with someone in a limited way, today is the day to invite her or him out for something more significant. This could be the beginning of a nice friendship, although every new step requires a bit of risk. Don't be disappointed if this turns out to be a one-night-only experience.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone's private problem could become front-page news in your social circle today -- despite your best efforts to keep everyone tight-lipped about it. Secrets are slippery creatures, and this one has slipped right out into the open where everyone can scrutinize it. Dramatic situations like this are, by their very nature, somewhat entertaining. Try to help the victim of the disclosure see the humor. It might take a while, but a story from your own experience could help.



<span id="intelliTxt">There will be a lot of romance in the air today, but you're too busy to enjoy it! How on earth can you fit even a little bit of fun flirtation into your hectic schedule? In fact, you might not be able to -- but putting a certain hot dish on the back burner is okay for now. Just let things simmer. Someone who is acting interested in you today will still be interested in you when your life slows down and you have time to put a little bit of sizzle in your smile.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your latest struggle might not be worth the energy that you're committing to it right now. Today, it might be best to cut your losses and just forget the whole thing, because this road will not be getting any smoother in the foreseeable future. Turn away from external goals and work -- instead, get more deeply connected with your friends and family. No matter how much energy you give to them, it is never a waste. They will always give back whatever you give.



<span id="intelliTxt">Watch for people who use their hands when they talk today -- their expressive mannerisms may be contradicting their words, and revealing their lies. These people are working hard to gain your trust -- why? Step back from dealings with them and ask for more time. If they don't like the sound of that, then you'll know you were right to mistrust them. Standing up for yourself has never felt so good -- or so easy. This is a period of growing power for you. Enjoy it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Today, take the risk of revealing yourself to someone who is intrigued by you. Even if you're not totally sure you're interested in this person, it will be good to investigate the opportunity. Getting to know someone takes time, so you're not really committing to anything simply by making conversation or spending time with someone. At any step along the way, you have the right to put the brakes on. You are in control, and your behavior should express this.



<span id="intelliTxt">Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of your newest friendships will become much more important to you today. The two of you are trusting each other more than ever, which is enabling you both to learn from each other. This mutual admiration society the two of you are getting started will continue to grow over the next few days -- you should make room for a few more people. Others have been noticing how much fun the two of you have, and they want in!



<span id="intelliTxt">Whoa -- you need to slow down a bit! You are moving faster than you realize, and you're in danger of getting a citation from the person you're closest to in life. It seems as though you're leaving people in the dust -- and not even noticing that they're getting smaller and smaller in your rearview mirror. Today you should stop, turn around and make your way back to them. They won't wait much longer. Make your reunion sweet and full of contrition.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your group is ready for some new members, so follow through on your plans to get to know someone better. Try to find out whether this person is a fit. You like his or her style and attitude, so why not? Are you a little bit intimidated? If so, you've lost sight of the fact that you're pretty darn cool yourself -- so don't worry! Stride right up and say hello, and the two of you will be in the middle of a fascinating conversation in no time.



<span id="intelliTxt">Being generous is something you should do for its own sake, so make sure that you're not bragging too much about your selflessness. There's no point in helping others if your true goal is to help yourself. Of course, there's nothing wrong with helping yourself -- just make sure that you're honest about your motivations. Everyone will respect you a lot more if you avoid seeming self-righteous and instead admit with humility that you are striving to improve yourself.



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Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:55 pm

Post by archanamvyas » Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:59 pm

:) great efforts!!! hats off to you for giving clear and accurate horoscope

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