Horoscopes for 10th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 10th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Batting eyelashes and dropping handkerchiefs is strictly for amateurs -- and old-fashioned amateurs at that. Your methods of charming a special favor out of someone are much more subtle and more effective than that. In fact, you've got charisma to spare -- so much so that a little goes a long way. It doesn't hurt that this boon benefits them as well as you. So don't lay it on. Your way with words will get you where you need to go and then some.



<span id="intelliTxt">Something spices up the day in a most unexpected and pleasurable way. Maybe you get an unexpected day off. Maybe your sweetheart brings you your coffee exactly the way that you like it. Maybe you simply decide that life's too short and today you deserve to spend it doing only what you want to do. Or just maybe all of those things happen. Never say never. The stars have all kinds of wonderful surprises in store for you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Turn your focus to someone important in your life. You've got so much going on that quieter types might be lost in the shuffle. Make sure they know how important they are to you, and make some room in your schedule to spend with them. It doesn't have to be a huge amount of time, either -- a ten-minute conversation where you discuss what's going on in their lives and make plans to get together can make a world of difference.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's tough to walk that fine balance between love and work, love and your social life, love and -- well, you get the picture. If an emotional gale is threatening to tip your own personal SS Romance on its side, try and defuse those forces before it builds into the perfect storm. After all, it's ever so much nicer -- and much smoother sailing -- when you and your sweetie are in sync about what is and isn't important in your lives.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's nothing you love more than being part of a grand plan, unless it's laying out and leading that aforementioned plan. And currently, when all those plans involve having really large amounts of fun, you're absolutely in your element. Call together your cohorts and comrades and clue them in as to what's about to happen. Make sure everyone knows their parts and how to play them. Then get ready to don your mantle as master of revels.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's a great time to get together with a buddy, especially one that you might be on the outs with. The stars bring a lot of warm 'n' fuzzy influences to the table, so you're guaranteed that communication will be lighthearted, fun and free flowing. If you like, you can even discuss the deeper issues just to bring them into the light -- or you can simply enjoy the feel-good vibe that's flowing through the both of you right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Golden opportunities and lucky incidents are lining up, just waiting for you to encounter them. Right now is a great time to put any personal plans in motion or address changes and promotions you'd like to see happen at work. Just make sure you take advantage of all this cosmic good fortune by showing up to everything and anything you're invited to. As they say in Vegas, 'You must be present to win.'



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to inquire within when it comes to unresolved questions you may have rather than looking for answers from others. Your unique views and highly attuned instincts have all the solutions that you need if only you're able to hear them. Try a regular mediation practice and reconnect with a larger power than what's immediately visible to you in the material world. Learn to get quiet and listen to your inner voice.



<span id="intelliTxt">What makes your heart beat faster? What sparks your unbridled enthusiasm? Whether it's trying out the latest rides at an amusement park or meeting and mingling with lots of new people, make sure you do it today. Your high spirits are irrepressible and darn near irresistible, too. Get outdoors. Talk to anyone and everyone who crosses your path. Reach out and some great connections can be made.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sometimes you can push and push and push, but the connection that you're hoping for may not click in the way you were expecting. What to do? Well, first of all, don't beat yourself up over this. In fact, you should view this as a great opportunity. Most importantly, don't try and force this situation to take the shape that you think would suit it best -- that almost never works out the way you think it will. Relax and go with the flow.



<span id="intelliTxt">Here you've been thinking that you've lost touch, you don't have much in common and that it was time to let this friendship go gently into that good night? Well, hold your horses, however -- that old friend may just surprise you by saying or doing something that proves that there's plenty of mileage in this thing yet. The stars are all about sparking communication and connection in areas where you'd least expect it.



<span id="intelliTxt">What's most important is not picking the 'right' path, but picking any path, period. Yes, it is crucial that you make decisions that take all the pros and cons into account, but if you hesitate too long, it'll be moot -- the decision will be made for you. So take a deep breath, turn around three times, and then point in the direction that you think you should go. Most likely, it will be exactly the right one for you.



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