Daily horoscopes for 19th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 19th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">At last, after all the hustle and bustle of the last couple of days, everything starts to come together. (And not a moment too soon, you're probably muttering under your breath.) Well, this latest triumph will taste all the sweeter after some of the tough love the stars have been dishing out to you. Admit it -- all that stuff about things learned in adversity serving you for the long run is true. Well, you don't have to admit it right away. Revel in your recent good fortune first.



<span id="intelliTxt">What happens in a tug-of-war if one of the equally matched opponents simply drops the rope? Well, it means that the struggle is over, for one. Evaluate what you may be tussling over. Is this really that important, or are you engaged in this push-me-pull-you contest simply because you're caught up in the conflict and can't let it go? While your stubbornness can come in handy, this may be one moment to put it aside.



<span id="intelliTxt">Think of yourself as a cosmic power strip -- except it's not appliances that want to plug into you, it's people. You're the conduit for all different types of people and connections right now, and you should take advantage of this lively energy to its fullest extent. Turn nothing down, be open to everything and converse everyone who crosses your path. You never know when that casual word will become a life-changing conversation.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're speaking straight from the heart, but the person you're dealing with may be all about dissecting the situation with cool, calm logic. Don't let this drive you two into a battle of the wills -- instead, get some clarity before you start discussing the details. One thing that would really help is to explain your point of view and your communication style and ask them to do the same. That alone might defuse the possibility of fireworks.



<span id="intelliTxt">If someone tries to enlist you in their little drama, just say no -- you can always get a subscription to your local theater if you need to have any extra sturm und drang in your life. Don't succumb, no matter how tempting it is to wade in there with the big guns and sort everything out. You've got things to sort out that need your care and attention, so tend your own garden rather than trying to pull out the weeds from everyone else's.



<span id="intelliTxt">Surprising new plans enter your life and put you in a tailspin. Stop whirling around and take a gander at the lovely gift that's landed smack on your doorstep instead. The stars are urging you very strongly to stop fussing about the demise of your so-called perfect plans and instead focus on the brilliant alternatives that are being presented to you. So go ahead and bid the blues good-bye, because this is a brand-new game.



<span id="intelliTxt">Take refuge from your worldly cares in the company of two of your favorite things: friends and art. They'll be delighted to be a part of your impromptu plans, and it may surprise you how much you'll enjoy this mini vacation. Go ahead and gather a group of your closest friends and wander through your favorite museum or botanical garden. It'll replenish your soul and refresh you in all the ways that you need.



<span id="intelliTxt">Does it feel like someone's rocking the boat just to be contrary? Instead of making them sit down through sheer force of will, why not talk to them and see what's on their mind? They might actually have a good reason to be upset, and talking to you will provide them with exactly the outlet they need. On your part, keep an open mind and really listen to what they have to say. It will prove to be very illuminating indeed.



<span id="intelliTxt">You revel in the new: new places, new faces, new foods, new lands to explore. Focus on meeting new people and those chance meetings could evolve into lifelong connections that give you full access to all the fresh experiences your heart could desire. It won't be tough -- all you have to do is take your natural friendliness and curiosity and turn them up a few notches. Let the stars do the rest.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone's caught a whiff of the sweet smell of success coming from you, and they're sliding around with an offer that you just can't refuse. However, if you know better (and you definitely do), you'll hold this offer up to the light, shake it and otherwise examine it upside down and sideways before you commit yourself to anything. You're one shrewd operator, and you didn't get to your current position by saying yes to everything that comes down the pike.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're in such high spirits right now that others may not be able to keep up with you -- and that's just fine. Let them know that you're going on ahead and breaking trails, and they can follow at their own pace. That way, they won't feel pressured to try and keep up with you, and you won't feel hampered by their need to move at a different rate. Follow your instincts and write down all your brilliant ideas, and you'll get to your destination in a flash.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you've got a million thoughts flying through your head like a flock of birds all migrating south for the winter, take a deep breath (or ten or fifteen) and try to focus on tidying up any neglected areas in your life. This is a great time to finish up old projects or get some closure regarding certain longstanding issues rather than trying to initiate discussions or get something off the ground.



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