Daily horoscopes for 20th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 20th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Ever been on the verge of finishing a jigsaw puzzle only to discover the last piece has gone missing? And remember how frustrating it feels to not find it after hours of searching, only to discover it a day later hiding under the sofa's dust ruffle? A small but possibly life-changing piece of your own personal puzzle will fall into place, but only when you're not hunting for it. Don't try and force this; it'll happen quite nicely on its own.



<span id="intelliTxt">Ouch! Someone's working their way under your skin and trying to provoke you. Rather than being irritated by what you see as their needless rebellion, take a step back and a deep breath and view things objectively. Could it be that they actually have a point? Would changing your mind and your ways on this matter actually benefit you in the long run? These are all very good questions to consider.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're the hub of a big social wheel. You've got some marvelous social gifts, one of them being the ability to connect people from all walks of life. Another is the ability to make new acquaintances feel like old friends and the insight to see fresh angles on lifelong friends. Why not bring both groups of people together right now? With you at the center, all kinds of great connections could get started right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">One reason willow trees always survive storms is that they know how to bend -- and instead of breaking, once the thunder and lightening has passed, they simply bounce right back. Let the willow be your example today, especially when it comes to dealing with emotions or discussions about topics that could get heated. Simply remind yourself to bend with the current influences, and you'll snap back as right as rain in no time.



<span id="intelliTxt">'Impish' is one way to describe the current behavior of your nearest and dearest. 'Annoying' is another. What's gotten into your friends and family? It seems like they're being contrary simply for the sake of needling each other (and you). Whatever the reason, try and let it roll off your back. In order to avoid a full-on flameout with someone you care about, resolve to turn the other cheek and ignore their bizarre behavior.



<span id="intelliTxt">Go ahead and listen to your naughty, adventurous side -- after all, it has some very good ideas about what you should be up to right now, especially if you're feeling like a change of pace. The stars promise plenty of that and more if you obey what your instincts are telling you. Usually you're all about following the rules and being good, but right now you're ever so much more interested in being bad.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've got energy and imagination to spare, and when it comes to the social scene, you're the tops. No one need fear an awkward silence as long as you're around spreading your special brand of goodwill and evenhanded charm. Your honest enjoyment of people always ensures a good time, and that goes double today. You can turn the lunch line at your local sandwich shop into a party with graciousness and ease.



<span id="intelliTxt">Crowds have never been high on your list of things you love, and that's especially true right now -- you need solitude to contemplate some changes that need to be made. Certain stubborn habits have become ingrained in your personality, and it's making you feel rigid in lifestyle choices that you aren't sure suit you as well as they did a few years ago. Take some time on your own to really think things over.



<span id="intelliTxt">Be brave, be bold and be first. Your pioneering spirit is exactly what's needed to get things moving, and that's more than fine with you. Is there anything you love more than the chance to be the first to explore a brand-new territory? It's especially appealing when you're also given limitless freedom to exercise your imagination. With your vision and creativity, the limits are only where you decide they are.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's tempting to tinker with something, but your efforts to do so might raise a whole Greek chorus of no's, especially when you're considering making changes to a well-oiled machine such as yourself. Reassure folks that you won't be changing the substance of who you are or what you do, but a definite style refresher might be due. After all, it'll keep you from getting bored and get you ready to face new challenges. What could be better?



<span id="intelliTxt">Well, look at you! Actually, the real question right now is who isn't looking at you? All eyes can't help but be drawn in your general direction -- you've got a light and spark about you that just won't quit. So if you've got plans or a change of direction and you need some people to accompany you, not to worry -- you'll have all the company one person could ever hope for or need, thanks to your undeniable magnetism.



<span id="intelliTxt">Lately you may feel like your brain is acting like a TiVo on steroids, and recording and remembering all sorts of junk that crosses your path. Sit down and toss anything that isn't absolutely necessary to finishing up the tasks at hand. Use this high-flying energy to get things done and move projects into the finished pile. Writing down ideas that you come across is a great idea, too -- you can get started on them later, when you're a little more focused.



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