Daily horoscopes for 22nd August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 22nd August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Ever looked into a murky pond and peered vainly to try and see all the way to the bottom? Well, taking a stick and trying to get all that cloudiness out of the way will only stir things up and make the situation even cloudier. If confusing circumstances are the order of the day, try to see what is really there before you try and figure out how to get rid of it. Otherwise you'll just make things muddier and even harder to see.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sharing resources -- and that includes mental ones -- will further progress more than you thought possible during a moment like this. Why not try calling friends and pooling your thoughts or asking them for an opinion on something you're working on? This is an especially great idea if you've been stumped about a personal issue for a while. Someone else's words could be just the fuel for the fire you need.



<span id="intelliTxt">With so much going on in your life, the best (and easiest) thing to do might be to stay put. So no matter how much you want to fly into high-action, high-communication mode (that being your natural state of being and all), don't. Slow down -- way down -- and spend this time meditating, going for walks and thinking about what's important to you and why. The time for action will arrive soon enough, and you'll be ready.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're able to see beyond coincidences and what others would call meaningless synchronicity straight to the larger meaning of events right now. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you, especially regarding your dreams. Information is coming at you from all directions, but not from the traditionally 'reliable' sources that you're used to. Be open-minded and learn to follow your gut -- you won't regret it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your flair for the dramatic comes in handy right now when it comes to telling a story, conveying your emotions and getting people on the same page. From work to play, you've got that special something that makes your words just a touch more compelling than mundane reality. In fact, you're having so much fun with it that you want to find ways to keep it going through the night. Hmmm -- how about a karaoke place with some friends?



<span id="intelliTxt">You and a friend may be working at cross-purposes. You know exactly the kind of friend you want them to be, and it's frustrating you to no end that they're falling short. They, on the other hand, only know that you're more critical than caring these days whenever the two of you mange to get together. It's time for you to give a little. You can't make a person be someone else entirely. Learn to deal with them as they are.



<span id="intelliTxt">An unexpected opportunity presents itself for you to reevaluate your surroundings. It may turn your schedule topsy-turvy, but try to embrace the chaos as a chance to change old habits rather than as a disruption. It's easy to say that you don't have the time to think about this new challenge, but why not take this opportunity to prove yourself? Accept this offer and see where it goes. It might evolve into something life-enhancing.



<span id="intelliTxt">Creativity is paramount in your heart and mind today, so make sure you carve out some time to spend with your thoughts. Go ahead and give in to any impulses to doodle. Take long walks, stand on your head and cross your eyes -- do whatever it takes to get a fresh perspective and stimulate right brain activity. You're great at making the pieces come together in any way you wish. Exercise that talent as much as you can.



<span id="intelliTxt">Have some faith in larger forces that are at work in your life. It can be difficult to place your trust in the universe when you feel like you need to lean on something more tangible, but be assured that larger influences are working in your favor, especially if your motives are pure. The right solution will appear at exactly the right time -- you just have to make sure you're able to recognize it and act when it does.



<span id="intelliTxt">Questions regarding how you can help the people around you start to surface today in ways that won't be denied. You're all about looking for ways to benefit those less fortunate, and it doesn't matter whether you're looking to get started on ways to contribute to your community or you want to take your current involvement up a notch. Go ahead and look into all kinds of ways and means that you could make a difference.



<span id="intelliTxt">When someone poses a fascinating question, you want to take that side road and follow it for as long as you can. That's not a problem as long as you make sure that all your to-do lists and duties for the day are absolutely taken care of first. If that's the case, feel free to go wandering as much as your little heart desires. You'll learn far more than you might have otherwise. After all, it's the journey, not the destination that matters most, right?



<span id="intelliTxt">Making changes may not come easily to you, but during moments like these, you're so inspired that any shifts in attitude and in your life will all seem to flow with Zen-like ease. It's all about discovery and transformation as you explore areas of yourself that need more expression, or old habits and points of view that need a radical overhaul. Whatever it is that needs a makeover, you can get it fixed up and looking great with ease.



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