Daily horoscopes for 24th June, 2007

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Daily horoscopes for 24th June, 2007

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:01 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">A smile will turn out to be more valuable than a big wad of cash today. So go ahead and use your charm to get what you want. Why not? It's a great way to make someone else happy while you also make yourself happy -- so, really, everybody wins. You have skills and talents that are in high demand. Utilize what you have in order to get in on what someone else already has. This is not manipulation -- it's just an honest transaction.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your daily routine won't seem so dull today -- the universe has a few wrenches to throw into the works, and you will enjoy every single hiccup you encounter! Embrace all the chaos. After all, it's stimulating your mind in a whole new way. If you let yourself become anxious about how things are going to work out, you'll be putting yourself through emotional distress for no real reason. Just roll with the unexpected events and personalities today.



<span id="intelliTxt">As a concept, love may be important to you right now, but you may be having some anti-romance feelings today. It would be wise for you to avoid any cooing couples -- they are likely to get on your very last nerve. But try not to get too angry at the people who don't know any better than to act as though the rest of the world doesn't exist. Instead, go off on your own and enjoy a break from hearts and flowers. Treat yourself to some luxurious solitude.



<span id="intelliTxt">You may be confused when someone close to you espouses two seemingly contradictory ideas today. To you, it will sound as though this person is talking out of both sides of his or her mouth. But don't start poking holes in these notions just yet. You need to give this person time to think -- at least for a few more days. It's not always up to you to organize your loved ones' thoughts -- sometimes, they have to do it themselves.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your opinions have extra weight right now, so vocalize them loudly and proudly if you really want to make some changes in your world. Get involved, and when someone says something that you don't agree with, speak up! You should not be surprised when others join you in battle -- after all, you're right, aren't you?! This is the start of a new and exciting phase in your life, when you are finally realizing how much power you have to create the world you want!



<span id="intelliTxt">Getting your ideas across to a room full of people merely by explaining yourself with words is so uncreative! If you want a deep and meaningful exchange of ideas today, then you need to get creative and have the courage to act in an unusual or unexpected manner. You need to get their attention -- sometimes style is as important as substance! It's up to you to push your people into communicating in more creative, meaningful ways.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being more intrigued by the way something looks than by its practicality. Having an eye for beauty is important, and it will help you create your own style. Encourage yourself to choose things based on the way their appearance makes you feel. If all things are equal and color or style is the only differentiator, go with whatever appeals to your soul. Develop your sense of beauty by consciously moving toward beauty.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you are trying to get someone's attention today, you should opt for an illogical approach. Instead of making yourself as noticeable as a neon sign, try to be more elusive. Don't be too easy to get a hold of. Don't jump into a conversation with this person -- you have better things to do. Adding an element of mystery to who you are and what you are about will pique this person's interest to an amazing extent!



<span id="intelliTxt">There is no denying that several people working together can be a far greater force than several individuals working alone. History shows that major change can happen when people unite for a cause. You have to come to grips with that fact, and admit that it is time to join forces if you really want to accomplish things. Join a club, a group or another type of organization that believes in what you believe in. If you are afraid of commitment, don't be. It's more important to get things done!



<span id="intelliTxt">Today, a friend's invitation will help you learn more about a foreign culture or subculture that you've always been curious about. This is a wonderful day for you to go exploring and learn about as many different aspects of this unique culture as possible. Read its history, listen to its music, enjoy its cuisine, or just rent a movie made in this exotic place. You are curious about expanding your knowledge of the world, and you should feed that curiosity today.



<span id="intelliTxt">In the past, when you saw something you wanted to do, you didn't wait for an engraved invitation before getting involved. So why are you being so shy about embracing a certain new experience? Today you must stop hiding away from this adventure. If you keep focusing on a recent failure or disappointment, you'll stop growing -- and you'll never reach your full potential. Take a chance and jump off that balcony of fear. You will land on your feet!



<span id="intelliTxt">You are certainly not lacking options right now, so your primary task today will be to try to figure out how to choose which one to take advantage of first. The good news is that picking a path is not an exact science -- it is an art (an art you have mastered). So just go with your gut, and pick the road that promises you the biggest fulfillment. Avoid anything that looks like a shortcut. Be ready to put in your time to get to where you want to be.



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Post by calibandita » Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:17 pm

thanks for taking the time to post these everyday!!

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