Daily horoscopes for 24th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 24th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You've got a way of cutting to the chase that few other signs in the zodiac can match, and that sincere desire to tell (and hear) the truth helps you out in more ways than one right now. A moment of insight on your part might just lead to clearing the way for a whole new path that you and a few others didn't think was possible. Go ahead and lead the way. In this aspect, you're a trailblazer.



<span id="intelliTxt">Something or someone is telling you to go, go, go, but your innately stubborn nature comes to the rescue and balks at being told to hurry. You'll go at your own pace, and you'll get there in your own sweet time. You're absolutely right about that, so stick to your guns, no matter how frantic someone else seems. Just because they're in a panic is no reason to get in one, too. You'll soon see the wisdom of your choice, and so will they.



<span id="intelliTxt">How on earth does anything ever get done without you to get the ball rolling? The stars have appointed you muckraker extraordinaire right now. You excel especially at instigating movements, starting discussions and bringing up issues that have long needed to be held in the light. Even if other people balk initially at the fact that you're insisting on cleaning up this dirty laundry, they'll thank you for your initiative by the end of the day.



<span id="intelliTxt">If your best friend asks you how they look, don't reply 'Fine' like you usually do. Instead, really listen to what they're asking -- and how they're asking it. Something more may be going on with their feelings, so treat even the most seemingly innocuous questions with care to avoid inadvertently causing a ruckus. Your extra special handling of all situations will be rewarded by a relatively stress- and trouble-free day.



<span id="intelliTxt">Spontaneity is the name of the game, and the stars want you to be a master player. You're feeling frisky when it comes to social interactions and even more talkative than usual. Even better, you're inclined to let bygones be bygones and ignore incidents that otherwise would have caused you (needless) hours of embarrassment. Make sure you accept all invitations that come your way to celebrate your new self.



<span id="intelliTxt">Pat yourself on the back for a job well done, but keep moving: There are more goals to meet and even more to accomplish. Your recent taste of success will give you enough momentum to plow through all the tasks that you've set yourself, and the gumption to be more assertive and deal with situations you would normally try to avoid. (Maybe it's time to tell your coworker to turn down the 'Titanic' soundtrack!)



<span id="intelliTxt">You've got gumption to spare, so woe to anyone who feels the need to challenge your positions, especially if they're just interested in grandstanding and don't have a genuine stake in the debate. With your energy level this high, you're not about to hand over the reins to someone you sense is less committed or capable than yourself, and you'll let them know it in no uncertain terms. Go ahead and focus on leadership right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some bossy types might be in the mood to get up in your grill about 'the right way' to do things, but remind yourself that there's a way to confidently hold your ground without turning it into trench warfare. Normally you have no fear in staking your claim and calling a spade a spade, but things could get heated under the current celestial influence. Instead, agree to disagree -- if necessary, say you'll take their opinions under consideration.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some people may like to stereotype you as only being about fun and games, but they don't realize that all your clowning has a much higher purpose. For you right now, it's not about merely having a good time -- no, you're seeking ways to a higher sense of joy, and that includes both pleasing yourself and working for others. If any sign can find the measured path to tread between those two impulses, it's definitely you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Bring a fresh approach to an old problem. It's important that you don't apply the 'usual' methods to solving this current conundrum -- after all, if the problem is back in your life, that method didn't work too well the first time, did it? So do a headstand, ask a kid for their take on the situation -- do something, anything, to get you out of your current mindset and give you a fresh outlook on whatever it is you're grappling with right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Thank goodness for types like you -- you've never been afraid to be different, and it's just that quality that will help you get your radical ideas implemented. Others might be afraid to change, but you're something of a visionary and you can see which way the tide is turning before just about anyone else. You stand apart from the pack in your ability to think ahead and think about what will make things better in the long run.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your usual selflessness is being nudged aside by some very 'me first!' instincts right now. Why not just go with it? After all, if you're tired of being there for everyone else and feeling a little neglected, say so. Honesty on your part will really cut through any residual feelings of resentment or frustration you're having. Believe it or not, people will be much happier after they hear what you really feel -- and so will you.



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