Daily horoscopes for 26th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 26th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Consistency is a virtue, especially when it comes to cold, hard cash. In fact, it would be very virtuous of you to take a look at any consistently unhealthy ways you have of dealing with money. It would be even more edifying for you and your checkbook if you started to plan ways that you could deal with your money on a consistently healthy and functional basis rather than some patterns that may have recently come into play.



<span id="intelliTxt">You and a certain someone may get so giddy in each other's company that your heads seem permanently fixed in the clouds right now, but both pairs of feet are firmly planted on the earth. This groundedness helps take care of all those pesky details so you both can revel in each other's company and enjoy the good times without the tiniest bit of guilt. Altogether, you're a very simpatico combination.



<span id="intelliTxt">Truth can definitely be stranger than fiction, although it's usually not as stylish. It's your task right now to sort out the facts from the tall tales. It's especially important to consider the source. As the sign most able to see both sides of things, you'll be more able than most to spot a supposed truth that's actually someone's point of view expressed as fact. This will definitely come in handy as you go about your day.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's a good moment to keep social situations low-key -- rather than fighting your way through crowded parties and theaters, gather a few close friends who really get you and spend your time near water if possible. Emotional signs like yourself might go a step further and opt for solitude. This would be an opportune moment where you can commune with your soul and ask some big questions -- and get some big answers.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone might be taken aback by your complete honesty when it comes to changing your mind about plans that they thought were set in stone. You're through with following other people's agendas just because it's safe, and you're ready to target new goals for yourself. Trust these feelings and use the emotional impetus you have right now to break out of old ruts, whether they're emotional, professional or personal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Why not look for a way to reduce the number of 'shoulds' in your life and find a way to make space for the things that you actually want to do? Once you give yourself the time and space to examine recent happenings in your life, you might find yourself dictating what the outcome of the next few events rather than feeling like you're at the mercy of the fates. Learn how to be calm, focus and perform actions mindfully rather than rushing through them.



<span id="intelliTxt">Usually you're able to keep up with this frenetic pace, but sometimes it seems like everything is getting faster, louder and more frantic for no reason. Fortunately, you're smart enough to realize when you need to replenish your body and soul. It's the right time to take a break from the rat race and do something indulgent that pampers you from the inside out. Maybe it's as simple as a good book and the beach. Whatever it is, do it now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Even if someone's demands are unreasonable or they're being otherwise moody or fussy, face up to them bravely. Use your natural quickness and clever intellect to engage them in a discussion instead of dismissing their concerns. You're more than capable of giving generously of your time and patience, so make sure you exercise those qualities right now, no matter how trying this person is to your fortitude.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your intellectual energy gets a giant spoonful of earthy influences, which help bring you a sense of calm and centeredness. It's a good thing, too, because you're about to tackle some pretty large tasks that will require the best of your mental abilities. The only way to stay truly focused on the tasks at hand is to retain a sense of connection. Keep that in mind as you set about realizing your goal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Supremely capable and hard-working signs like yourself aren't always the greatest at expressing your emotions, but that all changes right now. You've got a lot of lovin' feelings that you need to get off your chest, and you're bound and determined to express them to those who are dear to you. Not only will they be pleased as punch to hear these affectionate thoughts, but they'll reciprocate in ways that will please you pink.



<span id="intelliTxt">You are absolutely tops when it comes to having far-reaching ideas or being a visionary in your chosen field, but you might not be quite so flexible when it comes to actually implementing those ideas or hearing other people's opinions on what's going on. Try doing some yoga or deep breathing -- just find a way to stay limber so that the rest of you matches your remarkably clever and flexible brain.



<span id="intelliTxt">Break out the watercolors, sculpting tools, knitting needles or whatever your favorite medium of choice. The stars emphasize art and creation. That might mean exploring a museum you've never been able to get to, or looking through your old sketchbooks from that college life-drawing class. Whatever you do will provide plenty of inspiration to pick up those tools and make something that pleases your eye right now.



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