Weekly horoscopes, 27th August - 3rd September 2005

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Weekly horoscopes, 27th August - 3rd September 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Aug 27, 2005 1:00 am

A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air.
You must act quickly.
You may find that someone you live with may be irritable; you're best to leave them alone.
Discover opportunities based on the individuals you mingle with this week.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Your talents are likely to be discovered.
There will be hidden matters that you may find disturbing.
Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion.
Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity.
Don't go overboard; start small and work toward building it up slowly.
This is a great day to mingle with people you would like to impress.
This is not the best day to visit relatives who get on your nerves.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Someone you live with will be quite unreason able this week.
You might be overly emotional when dealing with your partner.
Put your emotional energy into passion not anxiety
You should be promoting your ideas.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Communication will be the source of your knowledge and you must be sure to spend time with those who have more experience.
You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time.
Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative.
Acknowledge your lover's needs.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Don't allow personal problems to conflict with professional duties.
Try to spend some time on your own.
Don't overspend on items for your home.
Self-improvement could bring amazing results.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

If you act with anger you may blow the relationship.
Emotional upset may prevail on the domestic scene if you have neglected your duties or your mate.
Don't be too quick to spend money.
Avoid boredom by being creative in your endeavors.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

Expect your workload to be heavy.
Try not to get into disputes that will lead to estrangement's.
Be sure not to burn any bridges.
Question your mate if you must.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Avoid conflicts with in-laws or other family members.
You will have the getup and go to con tribute a great deal to groups of interest.
Make career changes that may increase your income.
Difficulties with female members of your family may result in estrangement's.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Make plans to meet again in the near future.
Make changes regarding your friendships.
Use discrimination and play hard to get.
Anger might lead to carelessness and minor Injuries.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

Social events may lead to a romantic interlude.
Having your own business is a good idea.
Don't let children or elders put demands on your time.
Take care of any dealings with government agencies.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Lovers may prove unworthy of your affection.
A long, quiet walk alone may help you sort out your thoughts.
Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes.
Travel and entertaining conversation will be informative and uplifting.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


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