Daily horoscopes for 30th August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 30th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">What are the women in your life up to these days? Now is a great time to check in on your female friends and relatives, especially since your energies work well together on a day like this one. Projects that are centered on home improvement are especially well favored. So if it's been far too long since you talked to mom -- and you're dying to know how you can sand and stain that table that's been sitting in your garage for ages -- you should definitely give her a call and ask for her advice.



<span id="intelliTxt">A fantastic bargain awaits, but you'll have to go out of your way to find it. Scorn malls and chain stores and seek out the delightfully odd and hidden. Haunt flea markets, garage sales and make a point of going out of the way to any boutiques or specialty stores that you've always been curious about. Something fabulous out there is seeking you, but you have to be open to receiving it. Stay curious.



<span id="intelliTxt">Absolutely no pouting allowed! If you had a clear idea of what something was supposed to be like and it doesn't measure up to your expectations, tuck in that lower lip and face the circumstances gracefully. In fact, if you do your best to deal with the circumstances in a calm, cool and collected manner, you might just find that this 'disappointment' ends up being exactly what you needed all along.



<span id="intelliTxt">Although your spirits are high, it might actually be a good idea to stick around the house and direct your crackling energy at matters domestic. Why not cook up a great meal or tackle cleaning out the garage? Not only will you be able to get a ton done during the day, it'll free you up for the good times that are set to arrive this evening. So what are you waiting for? There's no time like the present to get going.



<span id="intelliTxt">Go ahead and turn your scrutiny to your own regal self -- specifically, to deeper matters of the heart and soul. Dare to challenge yourself on long-established patterns and relationships. Are things really the way they should be in your life, or are they the way they are simply because 'that's the way they've always been'? Now's a good time to get rid of anything that's holding you back. Find a way to eliminate frustrating or unhelpful habits.



<span id="intelliTxt">Purpose and drive are simply pouring out of you, so if there's something that you've been wanting to make progress on, now is the time. You're able to convince others of the rightness of your actions quite easily, so it's also an opportune moment to gather allies for any efforts you might need to make. Remember that what you're working on takes considerable amounts of energy, so make sure you pace yourself accordingly.



<span id="intelliTxt">How can you work to become a more spiritually aware person? Now that doesn't mean you have to sit on a cushion for twelve hours a day chanting 'Ommm,' but it does mean that you have to think about how your actions affect yourself and others. It's a good time to concentrate on the small things that enrich your life and the lives of those you care about. Your karma may get a much needed kick-start as a result.



<span id="intelliTxt">Ready to put your money where your mouth is? You should be, because some very beneficial cosmic influences have quite a line-up of luck in store for you. Things are ready to roll your way, but you have to be willing to say the word to set things in motion. It's merely a matter of deciding how and where you want to go. If the stars are your destination, then say so -- you have the means to reach them should you so desire.



<span id="intelliTxt">You want to go horseback riding, but your friends want to go to the movies. Then you want Chinese while they want Mexican. What to do? At times like this when your wants and needs are running in opposite directions, it's a good idea to go your separate ways and then meet up later. Why not go to a neighborhood with lots of restaurants, get your own take-out and meet up in the park so you can enjoy your different cuisines together?



<span id="intelliTxt">Sometimes people speak without thinking. It happens to everyone, and even the people we're closest to can commit errors of carelessness. So if someone who's dear to you says something that makes you fret and worry, don't assume anything. Especially avoid any tendency to read into the statement and reinterpret it. If it's really bothering you, ask them what they meant directly. You'll find that they probably just weren't thinking.



<span id="intelliTxt">You can huff, and you can puff, and you can blow someone's house down, but it may not get you what you want in the end. In fact, the stars can definitely guarantee that it won't get you what you need, either. Rather than letting your emotions run away with you, acknowledge that you have some very strong feelings on the topic. Once you do that, you may just see what the real answer to this conundrum is.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're not one to simply rest on your laurels, no matter how comfortable it might be. That's especially true on a day like this one, when you're receiving all the messages the universe is sending and correctly interpreting every single one. The stars are telling you to create, produce, attempt and, above all, dare. Go above and beyond what you think is possible, and you might just see it become probable.



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