Daily horoscopes for 3rd September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 3rd September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Take some alone time to plot the course of your next few moves. While you're not used to taking things at such a deliberate pace, the stars recommend doing some very detailed and strategic planning to ensure that your plans come off as best they can. Remember to write everything down -- while you excel at seeing the wider view, the smaller details can sometime escape you, and you really can't afford that right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your ego gets a boost from some confidence-building celestial influences, and just in the nick of time, too -- you're able to tackle any delays or complications without getting your feathers ruffled. In fact, as you face these challenges without even a single hair out of place, some might ask, 'How do you do it?' Let them in on your secret: Deep breathing and the ability to take the long view are all it takes to address any bump in the road.



<span id="intelliTxt">Forget about the popular vote and ruling by committee and polls. The thing truly great leaders know is that sometimes the right decision is the hard decision -- and that may not initially go down so well with the constituents. Be courageous and move ahead with what you know is the best choice in the long run, and you'll walk away with enough support to ensure that you stay in office for as long as you like.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're in the mood for witty repartee, and fortunately for you, you've walked straight into a screwball comedy out of the golden age of Hollywood. You and a favorite companion are all about exchanging the snappy rejoinders and witty one-liners. Don't be surprised if all this crackling wit takes a turn toward the serious -- after all, with this kind of chemistry going on, is it any surprise you'll want to talk about deeper topics?



<span id="intelliTxt">When it comes to romance, never say never. While recent developments may have convinced you that you're better off playing solitaire, a breakthrough is about to come your way. The impact of this event is not only memorable, but may shape the next few days with its cavalier and exciting energy. Be patient and remind yourself that the things worth doing right are worth waiting for -- especially when it comes to love.



<span id="intelliTxt">Thanks to the cool, calm and collected influences working in your astrological zone, you're one of the few people thinking clearly right now. Use those smarts to keep yourself away from shady types and their even shadier dealings, no matter how enticing they may seem on the surface. Danger might seem fun or even romantic in books and movies, but in real life it usually ends up being messy and far more trouble than it's worth.



<span id="intelliTxt">You may need to change your phone number and email to get some privacy in order to relax. The word is out: No one knows how to throw a party like you do. At work, the powers that be know full well that when it comes to organizing and motivating your coworkers, you're definitely the go-to person. While you absolutely love being in such demand, it's time to say no to some of these requests, simply for the sake of your own sanity.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling ever so slightly underappreciated lately? That's understandable -- you've been giving your all and never give your friends a chance to reciprocate. Why not have some confidence in your friends that they'll come through -- and in yourself that you're worthy of some support? If you learn to give others the opportunity to be generous, you might just find yourself showered with all the attention and support you could hope for.



<span id="intelliTxt">Has communication reached a stalemate between you and a certain someone? That's not surprising. Ignoring it won't make it go away, although that might be your immediate instinct. While on the surface you may have reached a resolution, a deeper issue is lingering and upsetting you both. Express yourself, and you'll rediscover a whole new level of honesty and connection that was previously stifled by all that was unsaid.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your intellect melds with a megadose of assertive astrological energy as the stars emphasize work and responsibility. The resulting synergy is awesome to behold, but the potential for burnout is high. How to avoid it? Stay aware, first of all, and don't overload on caffeine. Also keep in mind that your mind and body need breaks, and make sure to schedule them regularly. In this way, you'll take full advantage of your abilities without burning out.



<span id="intelliTxt">A financial opportunity and distant locales are linked when it comes to your future success, so stay alert for any chances to travel, both with your job or on your own. In light of future opportunities, practice being respectful, but not knuckling under to different ways of thinking. The fact that you refuse to fit anyone's mold is the secret of your success. By being true to yourself, you make the most of chances that others might miss.



<span id="intelliTxt">Try not to be oversensitive to a loved one's criticisms; ignore the words and look at their actions, which are actually far more encouraging. Look at the long term and be patient. If you manage to ride out the choppy water, you're in for a smooth ride all the way to shore. If harsh statements on their side keep coming your way even after the turbulence is over, it's time to have a sit-down and tell them how much it bothers you.



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