Daily horoscopes for 6th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 6th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">This ride is so smooth, why not just lean back and enjoy it instead of nervously looking out for the next pothole or roadblock that you're absolutely, positively sure is going to pop up unless you keep a vigilant eye open at all times? Ever hear the phrase, 'self-fulfilling prophecy'? Take it to heart and find a way to let go of your anxiety, even if you have to pry your fingers off it one at a time. This journey's too fun not to enjoy.



<span id="intelliTxt">Reward yourself and indulge in some well-deserved lounging. Your behavior has been so stellar that you can afford to take some time off right now. In fact, doing nothing is absolutely necessary on a regular basis -- in the same way that your body needs sleep, your mind and soul need time to daydream. You'll bounce back from this break so splendidly that you'll make recharging your brain and refreshing your spirit a regular part of your regularly scheduled program.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's a great time to get serious about learning. This doesn't necessarily mean going back to school, either (although that is a great way to jump-start any urges for education). You can also self-educate yourself about whatever topic it is that you're currently obsessed with. There's the library, the Internet and that good old-fashioned standby, talking to people who are involved with your area of interest. Get out there and start asking questions.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like you're listening to a song over and over again when it comes to your friends? Some of the people closest to you may have a particular subject on their minds, and they're risking boring everyone they know to tears. Now might be a good time to tactfully mention that they need to be more considerate of the people around them -- including yourself. Go ahead and speak up -- or you'll be stuck listening to this tale for the umpteenth time.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone wants to talk to you about something, but you simply don't have the time and/or the emotional resources to deal with their concerns right now. Do the right thing and tell them this as kindly as you can -- it's so much more considerate to be straightforward rather than ducking their phone calls or pretending to miss their messages. You'll improve your karma to no end by not leaving them hanging.



<span id="intelliTxt">Endings aren't bad things, although we have been trained to think of them that way. When something ends, it also means that there's now room in your life for something to begin. At this time, connections with others are definitely beginning to change, but this is a good thing in the long run. Whatever you do, don't hand out ultimatums, which will only lead to ultimately unproductive showdowns. Ride out this current cosmic unrest.



<span id="intelliTxt">Have some questions when it comes to the big L? (You know -- L-o-v-e?) Well, of course you do -- doesn't everyone? Specifically, however, you have questions about a current romance that seems to be triggering some feelings about a situation that you thought you'd dealt with a long time ago. Look to the stars for answers, as they'll stir up some feelings that need your careful attention. In fact, it's most important to pay attention to them before acting.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling fraught and frazzled? It might be time to deal with a few overdue matters directly, especially if one of them involves a significant purchase or some other kind of financial transaction. If you feel like you're being flimflammed, say so. Get the seller to explain the discrepancy, and you'll see that asking price plummet. It's not that you're picking a fight -- you're just not willing to let shoddy work slide by.



<span id="intelliTxt">Something substantial comes about on the job, thanks to your hard work and struggles. When you finally take that next (big) step forward in your career, you can expect more job fulfillment, recognition and, oh yeah, cold, hard cash. Go ahead and treat yourself to a victory spree -- and spend some time with friends and loved ones who haven't seen you in far too long because of all your overtime at the office.



<span id="intelliTxt">You have fantastic insight, especially when it comes to the relationships in your life, so tap into it rather than moaning, 'Why me?' Instead of trying to lay blame, look at the choices you've made and resolve to be more responsible for your actions and accountable for the results. The stars are telling you it's time to forgive, move on and revel in exciting new opportunities both at work and at play. Take advantage of them.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're a trailblazer who knows just what the public wants. Now go ahead and follow one of your dead-on hunches. Many others lack your sense of possibility, so you're well ahead of the game. However, the more timid may also be in charge of making larger decisions, so go ahead and trot out that formidable charm of yours. That, combined with the cool logic of your business decisions, will have them on your side in no time.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's easy to blame the vagueness at work on other people's indecisiveness, but what about your own? Take accountability for your own actions -- or lack thereof -- before you go around pointing the finger at people you work with. Be brave and ask a question that requires a clear answer. And drop the thankless job of trying to please everyone all the time. Not only will it not get you where you want to go, it's exhausting to maintain.



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