Daily horoscopes for 10th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 10th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling stuck in a moment that you can't get out of? How did you get here, anyway? This certainly isn't the destination you had in mind when you set out on this journey. Take a look around and observe the situation. Most importantly, observe yourself in the situation. The universe doesn't leave anything to chance, you know -- if you're here, there's a reason for it. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn a lesson and develop your strengths.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get an image overhaul by getting a really clear look at yourself. Why get a physical makeover when all you actually need is a little boost in your self-esteem? Not only is it easier on your wallet, but the effects are far more lasting and satisfying in the end. Most importantly, don't let sentiment cloud your judgment, especially when it comes to tossing ideas and preconceived notions that really just don't fit you -- if they ever did.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars are working overtime to make sure that your career and love life are making positive alliances, so it's time to get serious and ask for what's due to you from the powers that be and your sweetie both. If you're single, it's a great time to ask yourself what it is you really need from a relationship as opposed to what you think you want, and reconcile the differences between the two. All this hardworking energy pays off in more ways than you know.



<span id="intelliTxt">Isn't it about time you went out on a limb and were true to yourself and your real desires? Stop making compromises when it comes to a complex work or relationship situation. A dilemma seems terribly convoluted and Byzantine, but in reality there's a simple solution. It may not be a comfortable solution, but if you take the hard path, you'll see a light at the end of the tunnel very quickly. Resolve to hang in there.



<span id="intelliTxt">Challenges to authority may make you feel strong and powerful, but they could end up in endless petty fighting over what are ultimately trivial issues. Pursue a higher goal and see petty gripes for what they are -- petty. Not only will you be happier in the long run, but this attitude will leave you with lots of energy for the things that really matter and are truly important to you. Your attitude will lead you to an opportunity to increase goodwill with the powers that be.



<span id="intelliTxt">Make sure that the quality of mercy isn't strained, especially if you're dealing with someone who needs your understanding. Most importantly, don't say you're ready to forgive and forget if that's not the case. There's nothing wrong with being angry as long as you're honest and considerate about expressing your emotions. Pretending things are okay when they're not will only get you into trouble in the long run, however.



<span id="intelliTxt">Blinded by the light? Then perhaps it's time to get your shades on. It's easy to be flimflammed by someone's razzle-dazzle, but make sure it doesn't hit you where you live. Be especially careful if someone's enticing offer also includes a large cash investment on your part. After all, you weren't born yesterday, so ignore any pressure they're putting on you and make up your own mind on your own time -- preferably after lots of research.



<span id="intelliTxt">Pay attention to unexpected developments, because what at first seemed like a crazy idea could become quite sane (and even, yes, profitable) very soon. If you pass up this chance now, you might see it go to a rival who could capitalize on this -- and not half as well as you can. So don't worry about the level of commitment or risk -- all you have to do right now is be open to possibility. Never say never!



<span id="intelliTxt">Whether you're dealing with romantic or financial debts -- on either side -- it's important that you settle differences and sever ties before long, or you could experience a real psychic (and fiscal) drain. Make sure to seek out whatever the person or situation is directly, rather than trying to duck your responsibilities. The stars guarantee that dealing with things bravely will be rewarding, while avoiding them will result in the past coming back to haunt you when you least expect it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Dare to dream. Be bold. In other words, the stars are telling you to go for it in a major way. Ask for that raise or pursue that new contract with all the zeal and fervor that you're capable of (which is saying a lot). Your enthusiasm may be just so infectious that you inadvertently gather a group of supporters who are swept away by your can-do spirit. However, it's important to sort out who's genuinely loyal, and who has their own agenda.



<span id="intelliTxt">Intellectual logic is all well and good, but passionate feelings are evidence in their own right, too. Don't be so quick to dismiss them as not being the 'right' kind of information when it comes to making a big decision. Instead, take both left- and right-brain ways of processing the situation into account, and never discount any gut feelings you have about the issue. It's easy to believe your eyes, but it's better to listen to your heart.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling unusually shy or meek? That's no surprise -- certain celestial influences are emphasizing more modest and humble virtues rather than the more outspoken and brash ones that you're used to. Don't worry -- you're as competent and on top of things as ever, even if you don't feel like it. This reversal of your normal mood may lead you to laying blame on people, but resist this urge. Focus on staying levelheaded instead.



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