Daily horoscopes for 11th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 11th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Roam around the world. If you're not able to grab your passport and take off for parts unknown, go and explore mentally. Take in a foreign film, food festival, or read about a place that's interested you for ages. You could also try striking up a conversation with someone from a place very far away from your point of origin. You might just be amazed at what you'll learn. Not only that, you might just make a new friend in the process.



<span id="intelliTxt">In the mood for a dangerous liaison? Remember that the risk-to-reward ratio really isn't so great. You've traveled this path before, so why do it again? Isn't it kind of like seeing a rerun of a TV episode that you didn't really enjoy that much the first time around? When stepping out to enjoy your social life, make sure that you keep it strictly safe -- only trustworthy friends, family and other loved ones are allowed.



<span id="intelliTxt">With a little luck, you can work it out. When some good fortune comes along right when you need it, don't send it out to be analyzed -- pick it up and run with it. Looking for 'logical' explanations as to why and how this happened (and how you can make it happen again) will only frustrate you. For right now, take it as a sign that the universe thinks you're on the right track -- and likes to send you little encouragements to keep your spirits up.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to toss anything that doesn't fit and hasn't in a while, whether it's clothes, relationships or ideas. Keeping something around because it used to be a good fit or it might work if only one thing changed will just clutter up your house and mind. How can you ever introduce anything new and energizing into your life if your head and personal space is clogged with remnants of your past? It's time to go on a major cleaning binge.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like this is a case of mo' money, mo' problems? A recent windfall or spate of good fortune might have a few hidden thorns that you weren't expecting at all. Keep calm, however, and you'll be able to nip any incipient problems in the bud. When you think about it, these are just the necessary complications that success sometimes brings. Regard this as a practical exercise for the next time you have this kind of fabulous luck -- you'll be prepared.



<span id="intelliTxt">Making decisions has never been one of your favorite activities, but it's even worse when you second-guess your gut instincts. While the number of possibilities that line your horizon may seem overwhelming, the fact remains -- you have to choose something and simply take your chances. The stars tell you to take a risk -- the greater the chance, the greater the rewards. This may just be a turning point for you.



<span id="intelliTxt">You know that old saying about haste making waste? Remember it now, especially if you're tempted to rush into something just to feel like you're making progress. You could actually cause yourself delays and setbacks by jumping into something without thinking it through, especially when it comes to work or home improvements. These kinds of matters need your full attention. A happy ending may take longer than you would like, but be patient.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're a seeker of knowledge in many areas, from the physical to the emotional and mental. It's important, however, to realize that you're still a student in many ways, no matter how much you may know or how many skills you may have mastered. This humble attitude will serve you well when it comes to facing a new challenge in your life. Not only will allies flock to teach you what you need, but you may make some friends for life because of it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your planner runneth over. Old pals and new acquaintances are booking you left and right, because let's face it, a social event isn't complete without your winning smile and fantastic presence. It's not that you put on a big show wherever you go, either -- far from it. No, it's more that every person who sees and talks to you feels so much better afterward. Who wouldn't want someone like you at their affair?



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to strike a balance between craving everything and fearing that you have nothing. Wake up from your fantasies and figure out what's actually necessary as oppose to what is just desired. Once you figure out that no outward amount of money will purchase inner security, your purchases will become much more sensible -- and any financial tidal waves will smooth out and become mere ripples in your cash flow pond.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling a little down at the mouth when it comes to love? Well, not to worry, because things are about to change. However, if you want to take advantage of these great new opportunities in the realm of romance, it's time to toss out all the junk that's been cluttering your heart and brain. In other words, stop obsessing about the past. Everything that happened was meant to bring you to this moment, with your open and giving heart intact.



<span id="intelliTxt">If the shoe fits, wear it. And if it doesn't, don't try and force it to fit, no matter how great the color or how many pairs of pants go with that style. A crucial detail might be missing from a partnership or work situation, so no matter what you do, don't try to make it work when a deal-breaking aspect of it doesn't seem right. Oftentimes when you hold out for the best, that's exactly what you get. Sit tight a little while longer.



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another pond

Post by Deborah » Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:26 am


It's time to strike a balance between craving everything and fearing that you have nothing. Wake up from your fantasies and figure out what's actually necessary as oppose to what is just desired. Once you figure out that no outward amount of money will purchase inner security, your purchases will become much more sensible -- and any financial tidal waves will smooth out and become mere ripples in your cash flow pond.

ok reference to water .. i dont remember dreaming last week but my family all heard me yelling .. about getting the water off me ..(no i said it like i was panicing and screming curse words out ) totally not me ..unless im totally upset .. also had a vision of 2 twin hurricanes...

ok i think im thinking to much ..i best get a cup of tea and head to bed its 1125 pm here and im never up this late..and im wired now after this thinking t hink think errr

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