Daily horoscopes for 12th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 12th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Don't let your mouth write checks that your brain can't cash. It's easy to commit yourself to a million things, but not so easy to fulfill all of them when people actually -- gasp! -- expect you to follow through. The temptation is to try and be everything for everyone, but in the end, you'll end up disappointing everybody -- including yourself. Be more selective and most of all, be honest about what you can and can't take on.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're feeling like you want to live large, but you may not necessarily feel in charge afterward. Any overindulgence now might leave you with a sense of regret, and a checking account and credit cards that are wheezing after a bout of unwelcome exertion. Maxing yourself out spiritually, energetically or financially just isn't a great idea, no matter how tempting it seems initially. Find another way to direct this energy instead.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you're feeling clingy, you may rebel against some inexorable changes coming down the line. If you loosen your grip and view this as a natural (and necessary) part of life, you might find enlightenment in the most unlikely places -- and yes, that includes this sense of discomfort you're having right now. Face it -- the status quo might be chafing you, and you might actually be more prepared for a new life than you think.



<span id="intelliTxt">You may be more distracted than you realize, so don't jump into a situation that you can't easily escape, no matter how tempting it seems on the surface. That goes double for anything that could have long-term repercussions. Professional prospects will demand more from you -- possibly more education, and certainly more time. It's a great time to think big and embrace new challenges that come your way -- both personally and professionally.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars give you a renewed sense of purpose, not to mention more zest than a couple of lemons. In fact, your energy level will give you plenty to smile about. You're guaranteed good times and lots of lovely interactions. Your good nature is so lovely that it just might prove contagious. In fact, you'll see firsthand how kindness breeds kindness when one of your good deeds inspires someone else.



<span id="intelliTxt">Listening to negative types will only make you feel like everything is going downhill and that nothing is possible, when that's the furthest thing from the truth. Just remind yourself that their point of view isn't your point of view, and that you have a very different idea of what can and can't be done. Right now, it's key to break your goal into small, achievable steps and tackle them one by one -- then you'll realize that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.



<span id="intelliTxt">However difficult it is to speak the truth, it's still important to try. Right now, however, you want to speak anything but in order to avoid conflict. While there's no problem with a little white lie if the truth doesn't serve its purpose, if someone asks you a direct question, answer from the heart. Trying to duck the issue really won't serve you in the end. It could end up needlessly complicating something that could be dealt with by a straight answer.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've been eyeing a position at work for the longest time, especially since you know you could do a better job than the person who's currently in it. In fact, you're already doing this job, and not getting the credit or financial remuneration due to you. Go ahead and campaign your heart out, and trust in the effectiveness of your powers of persuasion. The powers that be are listening. Your efforts will pay off very soon.



<span id="intelliTxt">The world is absolutely your oyster right now, with all the luckiest astrological energies swimming over to your side of the celestial pond. Some upheavals at work may not look pretty on the surface, but if you ride them out, you'll see that they ended up being beneficial after all. You may experience a few waves in the love and romance department, so get ready to swim in the sea of love (and definitely bring your most flattering swimsuit).



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to pay strict attention to the input that you're actually getting, instead of hearing what you want to hear and going your merry way. If you can remove your ego from the situation, you'll find it surprisingly helpful and not as distasteful or difficult as you imagined. Not only that, but you'll see immediate ways to improve what you do as well as how you do it. Improved finances and a more public role at work lie ahead.



<span id="intelliTxt">You can do it! All you need is a little encouragement -- especially a little encouragement from yourself. Hang in there. There are great opportunities on the horizon now, and all you need to do is spot them, and then plan your attack to take full advantage of them. You are extremely prepared -- doesn't it feel like you've been preparing for this forever? Believe in yourself (you can do it!) and jump right in. That's it!



<span id="intelliTxt">Keep being fickle and you could end up in quite a pickle -- and not the nice crunchy kind that comes with a good deli sandwich, either. No, this might be the sour, stale kind where you try to please everyone and end up pleasing no one (including yourself) by avoiding a decision that's been dogging your heels for ages. Give up trying to make everybody happy. What would make you happy? Now follow through on that decision.



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