Daily horoscopes for 13th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 13th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You can't keep running in high gear all the time -- sooner or later, you need to downshift. Heck, maybe it's time you find yourself a hill and coast downward. You've been telling yourself that you have to go at the highest possible speed if you want to get anywhere, but that's just not true -- and really not fun. If at all possible, find someone else to take the wheel for a while and appreciate the beautiful countryside as you drive by.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your mantra right now? 'Don't worry -- be happy.' While it sounds so simple as to be almost silly, a persistently upbeat attitude will really help you get through everything with flying colors, especially if you're feeling a touch more sensitive than usual. Every situation has a resolution as long as you approach things with a sense of hope and a cool conviction that you'll find some way to work it out. Stay open to all suggestions that come your way, too.



<span id="intelliTxt">The key to taking advantage of the possibilities that lie ahead is understanding the necessity of taking care of details in the here and now. Tackle those seemingly onerous tasks one by one, and you will be finished before you know it. Not only that, but when you do start notching your belt with goal and achieved goal, you'll appreciate them so much more and be able to build on them even further with all your vast experience.



<span id="intelliTxt">Avoid getting emotionally involved in work. Remember, you are not your job. A more detached and observant approach will help, especially when it comes to office politics or a coworker's hurt feelings. You don't have to be indifferent -- just rely on your rational side. It's important that you're totally capable of making an objective decision when your expertise is required. The powers that be will appreciate your cool head.



<span id="intelliTxt">Conditions (and, most importantly, the time) are ripe for you to develop a sparkling new interest that may just redefine your life. The stars deal you a winning hand when it comes to changing circumstances that aren't working, and they're practically writing you a blank check as to constructing new ones. Forcing things won't work, though, so let events unroll naturally -- they'll be much better than any scenario you try to make happen.



<span id="intelliTxt">Love can be a tricky business, especially when it makes you lose all sense of perspective. While it's important to forgive and forget, it's equally as important to notice reoccurring patterns or unhealthy interactions that reoccur in this relationship. Older partnerships are especially affected by this influence, so keep your eye peeled. It's a good idea to tackle issues when they come up instead of sitting and fuming about them.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some murky emotional lines might get even harder to see unless you make a move to get some clarity. That means not going into a tailspin and indulging in emotional excess. Instead, acknowledge what you're feeling, but be simultaneously aware that those feeling can (and will) change. Commit yourself to observing the rise and fall of your emotions, and the boundaries will become crystal clear. Next, mean what you say -- and say it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some aggressive energies enter your life, pushing you to act on these changes you've been talking about for a while. Commit to them sooner rather than later, and you'll see more progress than you would have believed possible. Just don't forget to payback a debt or acknowledge your gratitude to someone. Not only will this improve your karma immeasurably, it will let the people in your life know how loyal and steadfast you are.



<span id="intelliTxt">Think of this time as your own personal astrological dress rehearsal. Those in the theater biz know that the more chaotic the dress rehearsal, the better the opening night. So if lots of excitement and problems and muddled situations are presenting themselves, thank your lucky stars and make the most of these opportunities. It's all a training ground to help you cope when your ship really does come in.



<span id="intelliTxt">Where others see adversity, you see something that will help you focus. With that kind of a winning attitude, how can you go wrong? You've got just what it takes to steer a wayward vehicle back onto the right track. The going may be arduous, but make like the little engine that could and chant, 'I know I can, I know I can.' All the time and effort you're investing will not go to waste -- a big payoff is in store, and how!



<span id="intelliTxt">You've made a big impression on the powers that be with your powers of creativity, but don't rest on your laurels, no matter how large a splash you made. It's time to engage in some risky business and put forward a proposal that makes the most of your creative abilities. Not only will it benefit your company, but it'll move you into a position where you can make money satisfying your artistic urges.



<span id="intelliTxt">Taking 'no' for an answer is simply not within your rulebook right now, and you're more than willing to go to any lengths to get the feedback you need. Fortunately, a take-no-prisoners approach isn't necessary at this time -- your formidable determination, not to mention the almost unfair amounts of charm you have on your side pretty much ensure that you get your way without even having to raise a finger. Oh, okay -- you might have to raise one finger.



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