Daily horoscopes for 16th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 16th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You've got to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negatives. It's easy to get caught up in a never-ending cycle of coulda-woulda-shoulda, so make sure that you don't even get started with that kind of thinking in the first place. If others are busy taking a turn to Negativetown, just ignore them and go your own way. Having faith is the critical element to making sure that this situation comes out just right, so keep your spirits up -- and that's an order!



<span id="intelliTxt">While normally working in tandem with someone else usually brings out the best and most peaceful side of you, right now it will rouse a fiercer side of your personality. Cooperation can very easily turn to competition if aggressive impulses on the players' parts go unchecked. This may not be entirely unwelcome, however -- passions will be aroused in all kinds of areas and spices up your life in a very exciting way.



<span id="intelliTxt">A little difference of opinion could turn into something far more fiery, but this will turn up the heat in your relationship in a good way. Normally you're not wild about confrontation, but this is an issue that you absolutely can't stay silent on. There's no need to dread the talk, either -- go into it with the best of intentions and you can rest assured that you'll see the best of results. This may be exactly the impetus you needed to take things to another level.



<span id="intelliTxt">People laugh when you say you feel like you're in a rut, but you know that it's true. Something has been going on for far too long, and you're feeling the dulling effects of too much routine. Fortunately, you're a master of transformation. It's just a question of pinpointing what area of your life needs revamping -- is it your friends, love life or business that could do with a change of pace? No need to worry; you'll figure it out sooner or later.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's hard to let go of an old relationship, whether it's a friend you've known since kindergarten or someone you see on a daily basis. However, if the situation is getting more and more uncomfortable, and you two are getting less and less enjoyment from each other's company, it's time to evaluate what's going on with a clear and cool head. It's nobody's fault -- in fact, it's quite normal. You're just growing in different directions.



<span id="intelliTxt">Having different ideas doesn't make you a misfit -- far from it. In fact, you might actually be a visionary, especially if you have some faith in the soundness of your theories. It's easy to feel discouraged if people whose opinions you care about don't immediately support what you're saying, but keep in mind that no one believed that whole 'world is round' theory at first, either. Keep on keepin' on and think about the long term.



<span id="intelliTxt">You may not be brash and attention-getting, but you're hardly a shrinking violet. Make sure that the people who count know that, especially if a certain coworker is trying to take advantage of your more modest mood and take credit for a great idea that was all yours. You may be feeling more contemplative more recently, but your ambition certainly isn't on the back burner. If you're in the presence of the powers that be, let them hear you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Life gets demanding, so pay attention and stay on your toes. Fortunately, multitasking types like yourself rise to a challenge with aplomb -- in fact, without one you always feel like you're not quite living life to its fullest. Remember to touch base with loved ones so you don't disappear off the face of the earth without a word of explanation, and don't go overboard when it comes to checking off that to-do list.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone who believes in your talent will find a way to help you reach a wider audience. While it may be tempting to try and blend in once you get the eyes and ears of the in-crowd, remain true to your eclectic, boundary-pushing self no matter what. Being a pale imitation really doesn't suit you. Stick with it, and soon others will try to adopt your unique style. Take it for the flattery that it's intended as.



<span id="intelliTxt">Infuse your digs with some stylish flair. Even if you aren't an adherent of feng shui, there are some principles that anyone can follow and make good sense of. For example? A clean, pleasant and orderly abode is generally more happy to come home to, and makes getting ready in the morning so much easier, to boot. Even a simple paint job and a table for the mail and your keys can make a major difference.



<span id="intelliTxt">Take steps to reconnect with an activity or topic that you once felt passionate about, but didn't quite know how to fit into your life. It might be time to rearrange some matters to make room for it. While the fit might be awkward at first, you'll ultimately find where the two dovetail, and the payoff will be a renewed sense of purpose and zest in your life across the board. This search leads to decisions that may change your life's direction.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time for a makeover -- perhaps not an extreme one, but a little sprucing up of your person would be a good thing, nonetheless. Your outward appearance is giving the impression that you're far more conservation than you actually are. While this look may be easy to maintain, it's not actually the right fit for you. Go ahead and look like a million. After all, you're worth that much -- and maybe even more.



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