Daily horoscopes for 17th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 17th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">The only limit is your imagination, so dream big. No, bigger. Bigger than that, even! Even if the reality turns out to be slightly different than what you pictured, it wouldn't have been possible if you didn't first let your daydreams have free rein. So just remember that no one's watching, and put aside any and all self-criticism and let your mind roam far afield. The one word that's absolutely not allowed during this exercise is impossible.



<span id="intelliTxt">Shift the emphasis from 'me' to 'we' right now, especially when it comes to an increasingly important work partnership or love relationship. It's a prime time to really deepen connections and get beyond any superficial differences of opinion. The more you're willing to give, the more you're likely to get, so go ahead and invest all you can. Take advantage of this celestial window to really bond with each other.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some astrological movers and shakers powwow about your career and decide that it's time you took a big step up. It's a good time to consolidate your resources and take stock of your network. Is your address book up to date? Are you in contact with people who could help you out regarding your job interests? It's very important right now to ignore what looks good on paper and give more weight to what you know really matters.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars deal you a winning hand when it comes to your love life and your career, and you can't help but grin with sheer delight as the chips all come your way. Go ahead and show everyone your cards -- they're as happy about your recent spate of good fortune as you are. In fact, you should make a point of being as magnanimous as possible during a time like this. Spread the love and luck around and be an all-around ambassador of goodwill.



<span id="intelliTxt">You need time to think and plan without any outside interference, so give yourself lots of time and space to do your musings. Others may feel like you've lost interest in them. It's not that, exactly -- it's just that you have several important items crowding your personal agenda, and right now, socializing falls under the category of frivolous concerns. Explain that you're going AWOL for a while, but you'll be back soon.



<span id="intelliTxt">Cut someone some slack, and you just might find that in the process, you stop requiring yourself to be utterly perfect, too. This might mean a big sigh of relief all around. Isn't it so much nicer when you give yourself and the people close to you the freedom to be, well, human? Not only will this make relationships in your life much easier, but you might just find that it gives you a lot more room to move and branch out in other areas, too.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling more edgy than usual? It might seem as if an emotional cold front is moving in on you, more so than most people. However, you can defuse any potentially high-stress situations by refusing to take on problems that aren't your own. It's tempting to try and fix other people's lives for them, but it really doesn't do anybody any good. In the end, it's not worth it. They need to learn responsibility, and you need to learn your limits.



<span id="intelliTxt">Has a difficult challenge thrown you for a loop? That's no problem -- you've got all the resources you need to deal with it. Even if you're feeling at a loss, look inward for the answers and faith you need to guide you through this current conundrum. You may just discover a hidden talent or apply an old one in a new way that will teach you an invaluable lesson for the future. Go ahead and work it; that's what it's there for.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get ready to bring out the artist in you! Get off the fence and commit yourself wholeheartedly to making some time for creating. Whether it's music or painting that brings you that sense of passion or joy, it's time to reincorporate it in your life again. Don't put pressure on yourself to produce a masterpiece, either -- that will just kill off the creative spark. Just dive right in and most importantly, have fun with it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like an indentured servant when it comes to your job? Tired of working for a cause you don't care about? Well, break the chains that bind you to your position. Unleash your eccentricity, and explore what you really want to do, no matter how wacky or impossible it might seem at first. Once you pinpoint what you want to do, you'll be surprised at the influential person who will step forward to help you get started on your chosen path.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're torn between two opportunities. One is a career decision -- but could be spiritually stifling. The other offers a scenario that you've always dreamed about -- but may not exactly cover the bills. Have some faith, because with your help, the stars are working on a solution that allows you to have both, although it may take a big commitment of energy on your part. With that dilemma solved, you resolve to dream bigger.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars emphasize health and well-being, so get in tune with your body and start paying attention to false notes or anything else that seems off-key. Is it time to cut junk food, smoking or a sedentary lifestyle out of the picture? It's an ideal time to focus on feeling great. Most importantly, remember to get plenty of sleep and keep your body moving. The payoff is an immediate upsurge of energy.



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