Daily horoscopes for 19th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 19th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Free your mind, and the rest will follow. You've been putting up lots and lots of rules, boundaries and strictures that govern your life, but as of late, you might be finding them more burdensome than helpful. If that's the case, it's time to examine what you're so intent on keeping out of your life that you needed to build these real and imaginary fences. You're ready to spread your wings, but first you need to unlock that cage you've built.



<span id="intelliTxt">Quit it with the nice guy act, okay? There's a big difference between being nice and kind, after all. With the former, usually you're just trying to get everyone to like you. With the latter, you're doing or saying what is genuinely in the best interests of all the parties involved, even though it may not be the easiest route to take. You're nice when you want to appease other people, but when you're kind, you're being true to yourself.



<span id="intelliTxt">A couple of close friends are duking it out and making your affections their arena of choice. Refuse to be a target for their schemes and remind them that this doesn't concern you. Not only do they need to settle this among themselves, but they also need to learn not to involve other people in their personal dramas. Don't be a captive audience if you can help it. Keep your eyes open and your chin up, and you'll get through this just fine.



<span id="intelliTxt">What you thought was an innocuous encounter or relatively unimportant feeling could end up having you in knots when it triggers an emotional issue with deeper roots than you previously suspected. Turn to someone you trust for help, whether that's a friend, family member or trained professional. You may have to speak your mind to the person who's causing this turmoil, but it's a good idea to speak with someone who can help you organize your thoughts.



<span id="intelliTxt">Why not make it up as you go along? Trying to get everyone and everything to follow a strict plan could close off a lot of options rather than helping you get to the point. After all, shouldn't you enjoy the journey as well as the destination? With that in mind, loosen your grip and go with a more laidback approach, even -- especially -- when it comes to big plans. Sometimes serendipity can come up with far more creative solutions than even you!



<span id="intelliTxt">You might need a whole cast and crew to pull this next endeavor of yours off. Go ahead and think big, but make sure you have the resources it will take to make sure this enterprise gets off the ground. After all, it sure would stink to make these great big gorgeous plans only to have them fall flat due to lack of planning. In this case, you might actually be better off taking inventory of what you've got and then making your plans from there.



<span id="intelliTxt">Sensitive and always attuned to others' needs -- that's you. It's a delightful trait, but make sure that others aren't taking advantage of your good natured and considerate ways. Are you feeling like someone's relying a little too heavily on your easygoing personality? Listen to that feeling -- it's not sounding your own personal alarm system for nothing, you know. Maybe it's time to speak up and set this person straight.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone needs your help, but they're feeling far too proud and fragile to actually come out and -- gulp -- ask for it. Be a Good Samaritan and do a little behind-the-scenes work on their behalf. No matter what, don't share the news of what you did. Not only are there a few loose-lipped types who'd be only too glad to blab to all interested parties, but you'd be thwarting the true meaning of charity. Act discreetly and swiftly.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars amp up your earning potential and your love life and it's almost too much activity for you to handle -- the key word being almost. The truth is, you're loving the frenetic pace and the almost endless opportunities that you have to explore right now. Just make sure that your eyes aren't bigger than your stomach, and most importantly, don't do anything because it looks good. Pay attention to what your instincts say.



<span id="intelliTxt">Money worries subside when you get wind of a surprising (and welcome) development. This is a relief, but there might be a few more complications accompanying the news, so err on the side of safety and make some contingency plans just in case. However, don't act on that Plan B, or you could undermine the good fortune that just landed in your lap. Just have it drawn up and safely tucked away in case you might need it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your assertive instincts are telling you one thing, but a recent spate of insecurity is making you doubt what you're hearing. However, heed what your heart and gut are telling you, especially when a sluggish relationship or work project looks like it might die unless it gets an infusion of your particular brand of know-how. Commit to it fully, and it'll show new signs of life that will wipe out any doubt or confusion.



<span id="intelliTxt">When you start feeling cranky or irritable, take a deep breath (or ten) and chant to yourself, 'This, too, shall pass.' (It's true, you know -- it really will.) Make a point of acknowledging that you're in a crabby mood, and you won't find yourself lashing out when you and others least expect. Fortunately, things take a turn for the better and you find yourself on the sunny side of the street soon enough -- and not a moment too soon!



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