Daily horoscopes for 21st September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 21st September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">When it comes to financial reorganization, the stars are flashing you the green light, but with a few precautions. While your desire to become fiscally healthy is laudable, it's not wise to jump into too many cost-cutting measures at once -- the shock of complete austerity isn't conducive to making sure you stick with your budget in the long. A windfall falls from the sky just when you need it, giving you just the cash flow boost you need.



<span id="intelliTxt">Enjoy all the earthy pleasures of life from the greatest to the smallest. It's paramount that you be all-inclusive when it comes to appreciating the finer things in life, whether that means walking barefoot in the grass or being a high roller in the fanciest limo on the market. Remember to be fully present in your body and inhabit all of your actions -- not only will that make you more aware of what's going on, but more able to enjoy your day as well.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to put your life on pause and escape. Go on, take a hike! It's time to walk in the park, gaze at the ocean and otherwise reinvigorate your senses with what really maters. Fresh air and wide-open spaces are a requirement right now. The quiet will help you take stock of all that's going on in your life. Once you're grounded, you'll be better able to tackle the challenges that are waiting for you later.



<span id="intelliTxt">The high-powered stars take it up a notch, and now you're cookin' with gas. You look and feel great right now, and this lovely, dynamic energy helps you in all the major areas of your life, whether it means snagging a plum assignment at work, reigniting the romance in your relationship or kick-starting a new schedule that frees you up to explore creative projects in your spare time. You're a powerhouse right now!



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars are acting as your own personal carnival barkers right now, telling one and all to step right up and marvel at the wonder that is ... you! Thanks to their stellar work, career prospects heat up and multiply, leading you to want to choose a delicious option right away. Even though you've got all these choices, it's not a good moment to impulsively quit your job or decide to pull up stakes and move to a different city on a whim. Move slowly.



<span id="intelliTxt">Unrealistic goals and perfectionism are two things to toss overboard -- they're just ballast that weigh you down and keep you from seeing your true potential. In other words, stop being so hard on yourself. It's time for an attitude change if you see goals as the missing pieces that will make you complete. Real success is realizing right here, right now, how much you've accomplished. True happiness is appreciating where you are.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're so diplomatic, courteous and charming that others may make the mistake of underestimating you. You can change all that, however, if you turn one of your wonderful ideas into a reality. It's a good time to gather allies and look at lining up partnerships, especially when it comes to people who really complement your strengths and weaknesses. With you at the helm, this enterprise could be a rousing success.



<span id="intelliTxt">Digging in your heels and refusing to budge no matter what may feel satisfying at first, but it will become an increasingly untenable position, especially if you let your stubbornness get out of hand. Instead, why not choose to radiate serenity while everyone around you cops an attitude? All this effort will pay off in a big way at work as you soar past old obstacles toward new successes. In love, your new attitude gains you new ground with you-know-who.



<span id="intelliTxt">A bump in the road may appear in the form of a sudden urge to scarf down any and all greasy junk food, slack off on important deadlines to play 'The Sims' or chase someone that is clearly bad news for you. Watch out for those self-destructive urges! The biggest obstacle is to even notice that they're coming up instead of mindlessly obeying your impulses. If you're able to do that, the rest will be a cakewalk -- really!



<span id="intelliTxt">Snags smooth out when you trust in the universe and take your sticky little fingers off the controls. Hard as it is to believe, you're not actually the one who has final say over how things turn out -- really. That should be welcome news, since that means you can now go ahead and live your life instead of trying to control it. Not only will that release tons of stress and anxiety, but your newfound freedom will give you the willingness to try new things.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your independence means a lot to you, which is why you've set up your work or your home so you can come and go as you please. Sometimes, however, that lack of ties can leave you feeling a little at loose ends, especially when it comes to the information loop. Right now, try being more of a team player. Diving into a group situation means that you may lose some autonomy, but you'll also gain lots of creative insight and support.



<span id="intelliTxt">Extravagance is the name of the game, and you're absolutely the grandmaster when it comes to playing it right now. The stars are lounging in your pleasure sector, but remember that this influence can leave you with shopper's regret and a burned out credit rating. Steer clear of the stores, because draining your wallet isn't worth the momentary pleasure you'll get from the purchases. Direct this energy elsewhere.



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