Daily horoscopes for 22nd September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 22nd September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Your financial affairs have become quite a tangled web lately, so don't deceive yourself that everything is fine as is. Blithely ignoring the situation will just make things worse, whereas if you step in now, you have a chance at really getting yourself on the road to fiscal health. Right now, forget about speculation, get-rich-quick schemes and frivolous spending. Focus on saving and tried-and-true investments to get back on track.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've still got it, but then again, did you ever doubt that? Actually, you might have been doing just that -- a recent situation has been leaving you with the feeling that your charisma meter had a busted tube or something. Thankfully, you can dump that attitude right where it belongs and get back to business as usual. The stars are pumping your charm back up where it belongs -- and even higher. This baby goes all the way up to 11!



<span id="intelliTxt">Some celestial haziness may be fogging your mind, but it's nothing that a little downtime can't fix. It's time to focus on yourself. It's a general rule that whenever you feel like you absolutely can't take some time off is when you need a break the most. Working yourself to the point of exhaustion accomplishes absolutely nothing in the long run, so don't break something that needs some time to rest, repair and relax.



<span id="intelliTxt">Dig in and tackle any tasks at work or home that you've been putting off for a while, because when the urge to socialize overcomes you -- and it will tonight -- you don't want to be stuck in your office playing catch-up. Enjoying your play time with a clear conscience means making sure everything is in its proper place, and that includes making sure any last details get taken care of no matter what. Once all that's out of the way, go and kick up your heels.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're magical right now -- barking dogs quiet down and coo, your nitpickiest critics sing your praises and good luck practically leaps into your lap. It's a dramatic turn of events, and one that you're thoroughly intent on enjoying. While you should revel in your fortune, don't rub it in any faces, okay? It's also important to remember to use your powers wisely, or they could backfire on you in some very spectacular ways.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone who wasn't even a blip on your radar before may be triggering a very intense flood of interest. Who knew that they had so many hidden talents, and that they would mesh so well with your strengths and weaknesses? Follow up on this chemistry and make a point of telling this person that you think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Casual collaboration could turn into something a whole lot more profound, if you want it to.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are you neglecting relationships in favor of work? A few of your nearest and dearest certainly think that's the case. It's so easy to get caught up in the rat race -- but they call it the rat race for a reason, you know. Prioritize and pay attention to what's truly important. You know that little saying about how at the end of your life, you won't wish you'd spent more time at the office? Take it to heart right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are people around you spinning off on strange tangents? Give up on trying to get them into some kind of semblance of order -- it's like trying to herd cats. Leave them to their erratic behavior and tend to your own garden. In fact, all this chaos is a golden opportunity for you to become a self-started. You can pounce on opportunities and take control. Later, when everyone emerges from their fog, they'll be amazed at what you've accomplished.



<span id="intelliTxt">Don't pinch pennies only to end up blowing dollars. In other words, it's no good brown-bagging it every day for a week if you just blow your savings on a stack of new CDs or yet another pair of black shoes. Watch your cash flow and general spending habits very carefully, especially if your emotions are on high -- you don't want to indulge in retail therapy now. Find other alternatives when it comes to handling stressful situations.



<span id="intelliTxt">Changes are on the horizon, and you feel like you're about to start a major chapter in your own personal book of destiny. You should be thrilled, but you might be feeling a touch queasy instead. Transitions are tough times -- rarely does a person jump into them headfirst, so cut yourself some slack and give yourself credit for riding out this rough patch. Trying to anticipate problems will just make you a wreck; go with the flow for now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Relations that are founded on a deep sense of trust are hard to beat. You and a loved one have survived a difficult emotional event together, but in the aftermath, be proud of the fact that you are together because you want to be, not because you feel weak or needy. You'll now be able to be in this relationship from a position of strength and real love. It's true about whatever doesn't kill you -- it really does make you stronger.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some uplifting and exhilarating moments lie ahead, so keep that chin up, even if you're feeling gloomy and gray right now. Take a break from worrying no matter how small and indulge in something you love. This might mean a cup of hot chocolate or a quick walk through the park -- whatever it is that floats your boat, do it and you'll cheer up immediately. Personal matters will soon be on the mend, which is even further cause for celebration.



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