Daily horoscopes for 23rd September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 23rd September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">The living is easy, especially with the stars in such a benevolent and generous mood. Everything's coming up roses and daffodils, and you're the head gardener. Some lingering self-doubts might be threatening to ruin the fun, but don't get in a tizzy because of their presence. Acknowledge that they're there, and then tell them politely that they're not invited to the party. Then get back to the business at hand of enjoying yourself.



<span id="intelliTxt">Camping out in someone's yard and refusing to leave until they agree to your point of view is one option. So is holding your breath until you pass out. Or perhaps you could just give them the silent treatment until they come around to your way of thinking. Goodness knows that any of these guerilla tactics from childhood are extremely tempting, but they're less than effective and more than a little frustrating. The solution? Agree to disagree -- and then walk away.



<span id="intelliTxt">Nip any overconfidence or laziness on the job in the bud, and you'll avert a whole lot of problems. One way to do this is to make sure that all your coworkers -- and especially your bosses -- are clear about schedules, since miscommunication can easily go awry. Once work's out of the way, find a way to get some rest and relaxation into your day -- you deserve it! Just keep any partying civilized -- you still have to tackle that work project you just set in motion.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are you feeling fragile? If that's the case, make sure you handle yourself with care -- and let others know you could do with a little TLC from them, too. It's hard to turn away people you care about, especially when they're clamoring for your advice and acting like your input is crucial to the whole enterprise, but you need to make yourself a priority. No matter what, schedule in some kind of pampering today. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Tea and sympathy? Could be just what the stars ordered to soothe your troubled soul. You've got people in your life who are willing to listen, so why not give them a chance to help you out when you really need it? It might help to clarify whether you need advice or simply another pair of ears for your current dilemma. If social interaction is beyond you, get some solitude in a very comfortable place. A solution will show up when you need it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Be on the lookout for schedule overload. It may be tough, especially since so many great opportunities are coming your way, but remember that you can't take advantage of any of them if you're passed out from exhaustion or going nuts from stress. Pay very, very close attention to financial discussions and changes on the job, and you could have a very definite idea of how to capitalize on all this movement and change.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're feeling less born to be wild and more born to be mild. You're not sick -- you simply need a change of pace is all. Respect your body and your mind and give them what they're asking for -- a day off -- and don't force yourself into going at a breakneck pace simply because it's what you think you should be doing. After all, like any kind of high-performance equipment, you need lots of maintenance and care in order to keep running.



<span id="intelliTxt">Taking the easy way out by becoming cynical helps no one in the end. It's easy to grumble about how tough it is now, but when has life ever been easy? It's a rich and endlessly interesting world, and part of what makes it so is that there are always problems to be solved. Adopt an attitude of interested detachment rather than taking every single statement or event as a comment on you personally, and see how much easier your life can be.



<span id="intelliTxt">Old emotional experiences might be overwhelming, so be wary of any situations that seem like they could trigger an excess of feeling. It might be a good time to put off seeing sad movies or having heavy conversations with people who always know how to push your buttons. It's a good time to be especially wary of forming (or continuing) unhealthy attachments with people you'd be better off avoiding.



<span id="intelliTxt">The game of love can be an awful lot of fun, except when the rules keep changing -- then it's no fun at all for either of the players. Refuse to get caught up in emotional blackmail and other kinds of manipulation by being clear about what your moral code is and sticking to it. Not only will this keep you pointed toward your emotional true north, it will help you sidestep some sticky (and argumentative) bogs that you don't really have time for.



<span id="intelliTxt">Hold tight! Your life may feel like it's on fast-forward lately, and according to the stars, your finances, relationships, work and home responsibilities will demand extra time and energy from you. This is a good thing -- you'll accomplish lots and feel like you're making progress in some areas that seemed a little stagnant -- but the risk of burnout is there. Make sure you get lots of sleep and take care of your health above all.



<span id="intelliTxt">Ouch! It sure hurts when someone decides to pin all their hopes and dreams on you, doesn't it? Gently remind a loved one that they need to find the solutions to their own problems -- and to back off and give you some breathing room. While you're more than willing to help, it's important they realize what's appropriate amount of aid to ask for, and what's simply crossing the boundary lines. Remind them of this, and be firm.



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