Daily horoscopes for 25th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 25th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You're no angel -- especially when your fabulously mischievous side comes out to play. Naughtiness is the name of the game, and you're the grand master when it comes to making up the rules -- and breaking them later on. (Hey, why not? That's the whole point of being contrary, right?) Fortunately, you know exactly how to turn your naughtiness from a vice into nice, especially when it comes to romance.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are there so many shiny happy people around you that it makes you feel, well, grumpy and dull? That's not a problem. Others may be suffering from an overload of perkiness, but you're in a much more clear- and coolheaded mode of thinking, especially when it comes to relationships. It never hurts to examine things from an objective and detached standpoint. Just be careful that this attitude doesn't fall into cheap cynicism.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your forthright mood leads you to say things that have been at the back of your mind but that you haven't had the courage to voice -- until now. Keep it up! Some people (including yourself) need to hear the truth. After the smoke clears, you'll have to devise other plans, but that won't be a problem. Make sure you explore any new contacts or ideas that come up right now -- they may prove so promising that you're able to see a bright new future ahead.



<span id="intelliTxt">A casual comment by an acquaintance or a chance meeting could have unexpectedly far-reaching developments in your life plans. Be open to everything and dismissive of nothing that crosses your path right now. It's easy to get so caught up in the rush of everyday life that you could easily miss something crucial to your future development. Remember to slow down, breathe deeply and observe everything that comes your way.



<span id="intelliTxt">Try saying what you feel instead of hoping someone close to you will read your mind. Not only will it save lots and lots of confusion, but you'll feel brave and adult for actually facing this situation head-on rather than trying to pretend it's not there. The other party may not respond in the way you would hope, but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did everything you could in the most honorable way possible.



<span id="intelliTxt">Is it possible to expect the unexpected? Maybe not literally ... but it is absolutely necessary to keep your mind, heart and soul open to all the wonderful possibilities that are about to come your way. Most importantly, don't get bogged down in old, outmoded ideas of what things 'have' to be like or what you 'should' do. The stars are telling you it's time to explore your options and take a chance even when it scares you. Be bold.



<span id="intelliTxt">When it comes to the pleasure principle, you definitely don't need any encouragement in going after what you want, especially right now. The stars present an array of earthly delights that will definitely tempt you into the furthest reaches of indulgence. How far should you go? How much is too much? What a dilemma! Your loved ones have plenty of advice, but in the end, you have to rely on your own counsel. Don't worry -- you've got the final answer.



<span id="intelliTxt">Ah, the game of love. Sometimes you roll the dice and you get to pass 'Go' and collect a sweet chunk of change. Other times, it seems like the only rule is there are no rules and it's every person for him or herself. You're in more of a limbo state right now, and not really sure which way to turn. Rather than trying to figure out a course of action at once, why not figure out what you want first, and then act from there?



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars are intent on beefing up your social agenda, and almost overnight, you go from an empty email and voicemail system to a flurry of messages from those who absolutely require your presence at their latest gala. You're loving the attention, but remember to be selective. After all, you don't want to gorge yourself on Twinkies when there's the possibility of creme brulee, do you? Hold off before committing yourself to anything.



<span id="intelliTxt">Do whatever you can to feel good about yourself. It's very important to care for others, but make sure that you're not neglecting yourself in that -- after all, you're a person, too. So pinpoint something that would make you happy, and do it, no matter how frivolous, silly or generally not-grownup it seems. Want to buy some Silly Putty? Do it. Want to see two matinees in a row? Then do it! Cheer yourself up any way you know how.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are you postponing taking that next big love step because you're afraid? And are you afraid because everything's not 'perfect'? The stars tell you to snap out of it and stop asking yourself, 'What if?' or you could talk yourself out of a situation that may not be 'perfect,' but is actually perfect for you. You were born to love deeply, so embrace an adventure that has the potential to change your life for the better.



<span id="intelliTxt">You and a sink have a lot in common lately -- you're both feeling drained. With you, your emotions have been through the wringer quite a bit, but things are looking up. Relations with your significant other will take a decided turn for the better if you're attached, and if you're single, you'll find that your status has some delightful surprises in store for you. In either case, you commit to a certain mode of life with more zest than ever.



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