Daily horoscopes for 26th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 26th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Hanging with your family is the ultimate getaway. You feel comfy and cozy and able to just let all the recent tension of the past just slide away. This may carry over into an urge to redecorate your pad or other ways to feather your nest and make it more welcoming. Remember to consult with anyone else who shares your personal space before you make any drastic changes, though -- they might want some input, too.



<span id="intelliTxt">Staying resentful and angry won't make you stronger -- on the contrary, they're sapping vital energy that could be much better used in other areas of your life. Let go of them little by little, and cut yourself some slack by not expecting instantaneous improvement. Digging up old hurts and examining them won't be easy, but it's definitely worth the effort. Once you release this old grievance, you'll be amazed at how uncomplicated life can be.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars are dealing with cold -- cold, hard cash that is, and they're telling you to get your financial house in order, or else. If you've been dealing with a financial nightmare, it's time to wake up and take steps to make sure your budget is healthy and sustainable. If you've got the urge to splurge, try to figure out if you're shopping for actual necessity or for emotional reasons. Maybe it's time to choose investments instead.



<span id="intelliTxt">A totally unexpected development may send shockwaves through your day, but you have to admit that all this is spectacularly exciting despite the upheaval. Now comes dealing with the aftermath. Just keep in mind that you don't have to find a one-stop solution for everything -- that, in fact, today marks the beginning of a very long process -- and you'll find that the next steps fall into place with delightful ease.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're a spectacularly lucky person, but even the stars can't help if you insist on believing your own press. Keep that ego under control, and remember that there are many other people around you with their own lives. It's especially important to keep self-promoting to a minimum during on-the-job discussions, or you could come off as a lightweight who's not in it for the long haul. Pay attention to what others are saying, and you could learn something vital.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some bolts from the blue early on in the day might throw you for a loop, especially if they involve dormant emotions or a past situation you thought long resolved. Take your mind off of this by getting some perspective. Grab a friend and volunteer: Help at a soup kitchen, assist kids with their homework, or run errands for a senior citizen. Not only will you feel better, but it will put your problems in their place and give you a much-needed sense of perspective.



<span id="intelliTxt">Why do people always say 'jack of all trades and master of none' as if that's a bad thing? You, for instance, know a little something about just about everything, and that enables you to thrive in any number of social and professional milieus. Right now, however, the stars urge you to hone in one of your myriad talents. Go ahead and specialize and single-mindedly pursue one main goal instead of spending your energy in several directions.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's the perfect time to ask for a really big favor, score an invitation to an ultra-exclusive event or get a rise out of that supposedly unattainable love interest. Not only will you meet with a warm reception, but you'll actually be invited back for more, thanks to your charm and sincere delight in these new opportunities. Leave any hesitancy or nervousness behind. If you act fast, you'll make the most of this chance.



<span id="intelliTxt">Filing and sorting doesn't just apply to email and office work, you know. Right now you're about to begin the process of evaluating your relationships. Your time's been taken up by the trivial too long. It's time to figure out who's truly valuable and who's an acquaintance. Go ahead and have high standards; some people won't make the cut because they're not terribly reliable or can't keep up with you. Those who do, however, are friends you will have for life.



<span id="intelliTxt">Life's been topsy-turvy for you lately, so it's understandable that you've wanted to stay at home in your own cozy nest. However, now is a good time to poke your head outside again, because a very stable influence is making its way into your celestial sector, which is a very welcome respite. Of course, just as things calm down, you might be asked to take on a new responsibility. Say yes, and this challenge may set you on a great adventure.



<span id="intelliTxt">Venturing into alien territory on the job? Go ahead and ask lots of questions from people who have gone before you, and don't be afraid to buy a guidebook or two. Once you're there, however, don't hesitate to trust your own instincts, even if they contradict the conventional wisdom you've just learned. By going with your gut, you might just might turn an experimental idea into a profitable arrangement.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like you're always the last one picked for the team? Well, that's no reason to stop suiting up -- far from it. If you're still stymied about how to make it to the big leagues, maybe it's time to form a league of your own and to stop worrying about what everyone else things. Make your own rules, pick the players and get ready to step up to the plate. Once everyone sees what you're up to, they'll all want to play on your team instead.



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