Daily horoscopes for 13th November, 2007

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Daily horoscopes for 13th November, 2007

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:30 pm


Your insight and energy will lay the groundwork for an especially productive day today. Whether it's finishing your taxes early, cleaning out your garage, or pulling together a last minute celebration, you are totally on the ball and kicking you-know-what today! Don't be surprised if powerful people take notice and offer you the chance to display your abilities on a much larger stage. Let your ambition take over and lead you to a success you have deserved for a long time.


It's time to be your own drill sergeant. Go ahead and discipline yourself! Don't inflict discipline in a mean way -- but 'tough love' style is just fine. Is there some work you've been avoiding, some awkward conversation you've been putting off, or some other non-fun activity you have been pretending you don't have to deal with? Well, it isn't going anywhere, so you do have to deal with it -- now. Take a deep breath and dive right in. Get this over with.


Anger can be a tricky emotion -- sure, it can get someone's attention, but it can also push them away. Nevertheless, it is a legitimate emotion and it's one that you need to get more comfortable with. So if something or someone ticks you off today, do not suppress how you feel! Express your anger in a clear, calm way -- and don't concern yourself with how your words might sound. Often, just getting it out into the world helps it go away. Expression is necessary to happiness.


Sure, there are some problems in your life right now -- but they are as minor as a fly buzzing around your head. So it's really more about being annoyed than being in any danger. Deal with this annoyance today by separating yourself from the things (or the people) who are annoying you the most. Stick with the folks who make you feel good. You need to rely on the positive energy from loved ones to bolster the positive energy that is struggling to grow inside of you.


If you have been waiting for a time to sway a group into your way of thinking, you will have the perfect opportunity, today. When everyone is at a loss about what to do, you should toss in your ideas. Grab the group and take them with you into your creative mind -- you can inspire them with your most off-the-wall thinking. Convince them that taking the path of least resistance is no longer the smartest way to go. Your energy and enthusiasm will inspire them.


You've been going full steam ahead for so long! Have you forgotten how to completely relax? To your credit, you've been trying to mellow out, but your efforts so far aren't giving you the full rest you desperately need. Today, you're going to have to work harder to stop working! Turn off the cell phone, cancel an afternoon meeting, and schedule some quiet time. If possible, an entire day needs to be set aside for your personal relaxation. Just coast for a while.


Unexpected news about a person from your past will shock you today -- not because of the news itself, but because your reaction is so calm. Clearly enough time has elapsed that you've gained healthy distance. Congratulations! This revelation about your own growth will push you into a new phase in life, and you'll feel freer than you have in quite a while. Look for your relaxed nature to pique the interest of some attractive and entertaining folks.


There will be a lot of vibrant, positive communication hovering around you wherever you go today. This energy will enable long, fascinating conversations to evolve out of modest small talk quite easily. You might not be feeling especially loquacious or social right now, but if you force yourself to strike up a quick 'how you doing?' with a stranger next to you in line, you will not be disappointed. Give it a try. Opening yourself up is a very good thing now.


You are shrewd to try to negotiate through a potentially tense situation, but you also have to know when it's time to bring out the big guns -- or else you could get a reputation as a bit of a pushover. There is absolutely no reason to tolerate someone who is arrogant or rude to you, so do not be shy about sticking up for yourself if you feel you're being treated poorly. Compromising yourself for the sake of someone else is a lose-lose situation.


Get ready to have a great day! There is a ton of high energy circulating between you and your friends right now, and you all will be feeding off of the good vibes you send back and forth to each other. This is a wonderful day for parties, shopping trips, and fun dinners in restaurants that have exceptional sound systems. Don't fight the urge to dance if it overwhelms you -- your moves will make you the star of the dance floor! Do not take anything too seriously.


Dive headfirst into this day, because you will have all the energy you need to stay focused and disciplined. You'll know answers to questions that haven't even been asked yet. It's a great day to prepare a big presentation or get in some solid studying, although you should still be sure to squeeze in some fun stuff. Physical activity is highly recommended, as it will build on that energy and give you a great sense of doing some good for your body.


Every once in a while (like today), you get a sudden warm feeling about your life. It's like the universe is giving you a reassuring hug right now, reminding you that you are special. Take this feeling for the gift it is, and don't shrug it off. A family member needs you to be at your best, and unless you truly understand that you are in the right place in your life, you won't be able to give them the attention they need. Helping them will create great happiness.


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Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:14 pm
Location: UK

Post by refresh » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:07 pm

If only I'd known to "Deal with this annoyance today by separating yourself from the things (or the people) who are annoying you the most." -- it would have been very potent advice today. Perhaps I should read my horoscope in advance in future..!


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Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:51 am
Location: California

Post by Celticfyre » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:43 am

I just love to consult my Daily Horoscope. It kind of gives me a 'heads up' on what I might run into during the day. This gives me time to toss about how I might handle something if it indeed comes to fruition.

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