Daily horoscopes for 29th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 29th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You're movin' on up when it comes to the career ladder, and it couldn't be more timely. Keep in mind, however, that 'moving up' doesn't necessarily mean the corner office and a raise (although those things are likely in store). It could also mean more time off, a change to a different office, fewer working hour or being able to work from home, all of which add up to a much higher quality of life. In the end, that's what truly counts.



<span id="intelliTxt">The word 'confidence' comes close to describing you right now, but it's not enough. You're so self-assured that people just assume you've got most of the answers and defer to you in nearly all matters. It's a lucky thing that you've got the goods to back up the attitude. The stars help you shed the last traces of hesitation and take a leap of faith. Your willingness to lay it on the line and leap into a make-or-break decision will reward you handsomely.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's vitally important that you believe in yourself in order to achieve success, especially during times like these. Why now? Because you may be surrounded by those who adore wallowing in negativity or whose 'objective' opinions are actually colored by their own agendas. The stars are drafting a blueprint of your future, and paying attention is of paramount importance, especially when it comes to the details.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's extremely frustrating when you feel like major decisions are in other people's hands, but what you may not realize is that this actually works in your favor right now. If those offers involve unfamiliar terms or tempting extras, you're better off having steadier heads working for you in strange territory. Go ahead and discuss your needs with your representatives frankly, have some faith and wait to see what they come back with.



<span id="intelliTxt">Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. In other words, your luck is about to take a spectacular turn for the better, and you can happily put away any lingering problems that have been on your mind for far too long. Before you pack everything in mental bubble wrap and put it away forever, make sure you examine each of these past conundrums and remember the lessons they taught you -- you don't want to have to learn them again!



<span id="intelliTxt">Your passions heat up deliciously and just in time to revive a cool period. However, along with those heightened emotions comes a hair-trigger temper. Remember to keep the heat where it belongs -- raising the temperature of your relationship -- and don't let it rage out of control or leak over into areas where it'll cause a lot of easily avoidable havoc. Try to keep your jealousy in check, and it will keep your love from flaming out.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your imagination is one of your richest assets, but it's important that you don't let it spiral out of control, especially when it comes to romantic matters. It's pretty easy to get so caught up in fantasy that you convince yourself it's real. Take some deep breaths and ground yourself in reality before you make any decisions or commit yourself to something that might have many more layers to it than you originally assumed.



<span id="intelliTxt">The situation is stellar right now, thanks to your own efforts and those of your lucky stars: Work is gratifying, your wallet is full and you're in love (or about to fall). However, the one surefire way to tempt fate is to take things for granted, or to let your ego get out of control (yes, your hard work and efforts had a lot to do with this -- but not everything). Remember to be humble and remain diligent so you'll stay ahead of the game.



<span id="intelliTxt">Nix any wallflower tendencies right now, no matter what. You may not be totally at ease in the spotlight, but the spotlight sure loves you, especially during a moment like this. You've been working behind the scenes for far too long, and it's time to step out on center stage and take your bows. You don't have to stay there long -- just give the people who love you a chance to acknowledge how fantastic you are, okay?



<span id="intelliTxt">A loved one might be grumpier than usual and determined to pick a fight. Don't let yourself be bullied. Just because they're in a bad mood doesn't mean you should have to suffer. Tell them kindly but firmly that they need to deal with their emotions in an appropriate manner. It's time to hold people accountable for their behavior. If you keep getting walked all over, now is the moment to get up and stand up for your rights.



<span id="intelliTxt">Take the direction you know is best for you, and leave all self-destructive paths behind. In fact, go ahead and erect barriers and 'No Trespassing' signs, if that helps remind you not to tread ways that ultimately proved to be unhealthy for you. Some might accuse you of being 'too good' for your old friends or old ways, and they're right -- you're far too good to waste yourself on behaviors that wreck your potential. Your instincts are wiser than any outside influence.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you haven't learned this romantic lesson yet, the stars are about to make you write it on the chalkboard 100 times now to drill it through your head. It's time to speak up for yourself in relationships and not sublimate your own needs. Aren't you tired of being 'nice' and 'good' to get someone to love you? Wouldn't you rather be your own honest, funny, intelligent self -- and be loved for that? How liberating! Uncomplicate a romance and level with your partner.



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