Daily horoscopes for 15th December, 2007

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Daily horoscopes for 15th December, 2007

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:30 pm


New things will be catching your attention today, alerting you to new people, new ideas, and exciting new opportunities that you never knew existed before. Tradition has its place, but that place is nowhere in your life right now. A special relationship in your life is growing a little bit more tense, but these are normal growing pains you are experiencing -- not signs that trouble is brewing between you two. Time apart is what the both of you might need.


There are times that you should be conservative and take things nice and slowly, and then there are times you should throw all caution to the wind and just go for it! Guess what time it is today? There will be many opportunities tossed your way today, and you need to accept as many as possible. Time won't be a factor -- you will be able to squeeze in much more than you realize. From saying 'yes' to a dinner invitation to accepting a bigger profile at work, it's time to go for it!


Negotiating relationships will be easy today, because no one can argue with the points you are making. Your ability to combine complex viewpoints with clear-headed simplicity is an unbeatable combination, and it will help everyone keep the proper perspective. Step up and play peacemaker between the warring coworkers or friends around you, because you may be the only person who can let cooler heads prevail. Suggest they see things from the opposite person's point of view.


The universe is flexible enough to accommodate whatever you need, but you will have ask for it. If you vocalize your plans and accept the challenges ahead of you, everything will be easy and the pace of your day will be exactly what you need -- slow if you are dealing with complicated matters, or fast if you're in an auto-pilot phase. It's important to prepare yourself early in the day for what is going to go down later -- the earlier the better.


If you are in a quandary right now, turn to someone who has years of experience in the subject that is confusing you. Their insightful intelligence is greater than their communications skills, so be patient and prepare yourself to ask a lot of questions to clarify what they are talking about. If nothing is perplexing you right now, then it's time to find out who you can help. Check in with a troubled friend and find out what you can do to help cheer them up.


Not everyone can be as open-minded as you usually are, and that fact might frustrate you today. There will be a person near you who makes a comment that you find disappointing, to say the least -- but the situation might not be one in which you feel free to speak your mind. This is a time to let things be, not to step up and set this person straight. Don't feel guilty for not opening their mind and raising their consciousness. That's not your job.


Today your inner MacGyver will be out in full force, and you'll be fixing all sorts of problems with your own special brand of creativity. From dealing with something as minor as a broken zipper to handling something as major as work fallout from a missed deadline, you will master every little (unpleasant) surprise that comes your way. This is not to say that you should go out and seek controversy, however. Be sure to keep your eyes on you own paper -- and mind your manners.


Someone is starting a new phase of their life today, and you will be especially tuned into it. The purpose of your allegiance with this person is not completely clear, but you will serve as a witness, as proof of another person's fresh beginning. This person could be anyone -- a family member, friend, or even a complete stranger. Your task is to stay present in the moment to be ready to gain inspiration from someone else's remarkable transformation.


More than ever before, today you will notice the fabric of the community around you -- and your place in it. Everyone around you has an effect on your day, and this could be either a good thing or a bad thing. One car cutting you off might make you a few minutes late for work, but one person holding the elevator door could put you face to face with the person of your dreams for seven floors. Enjoy the unpredictable nature of how strangers and friends can influence the path of your day.


Get ready to have part of your daily routine disrupted -- but don't let yourself get frustrated. Quite the contrary! You need to embrace the little fires that erupt throughout your day, because they offer you some great opportunities to show what you are really made of. It's been a long time since you've been tested to this extent, and you could really use the exercise. It's nice to have a long period of calm, but you need to push yourself every once and a while.


Little changes in your life today will create bigger and more inspiring changes down the road, so do not be afraid of them. Once the ball gets rolling, you can ride it to some amazing adventures. Getting too stuck in your routine is not wise -- especially now, when there are so many wonderful opportunities right around the corner. Trying new things, meeting new people, and going to new places are all great ways to kick start your life. Head down a rewarding new path!


Your imagination, dreams and fantasies are offering you some amazing insight into the questions you've been asking yourself, and they could confirm a few suspicions. These visions give you a glimpse of the truth, an accurate account of reality as seen from outside your biased lens. You've been in a fog about someone for a while, and it's time to be up front and crystal clear about what you need and what you want. Go right to the source and don't leave things open to interpretation.


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Post by datharam » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:21 am

my daily horoscope

Your imagination, dreams and fantasies are offering you some amazing insight into the questions you've been asking yourself, and they could confirm a few suspicions. These visions give you a glimpse of the truth, an accurate account of reality as seen from outside your biased lens. You've been in a fog about someone for a while, and it's time to be up front and crystal clear about what you need and what you want. Go right to the source and don't leave things open to interpretation

can some one plz tell me what it means??

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