Daily horoscopes for 6th October, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 6th October, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">Before you answer the phone, consider that project you're so unbelievably involved with right now. That way, if your caller is the kind of person who A), won't let you get off the phone for at least forty-five minutes once they've got you, B), may have an equally involved project they'll beg or bribe you to do for them, or C), will have two tickets to an event you won't be able to resist accepting. It's okay. That's why they invented Caller ID.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've been doing some long, hard thinking, you've got plenty to say, and it's all quite intense. In fact, you're also up for a bit of detective work, even -- no, especially -- when it comes to an intimate relationship. Now, because this is an intimate relationship, someone may erroneously think they 'have you where they want you.' Of course, you'll be the person in the perfect position. If you want to be fair, mention that at the outset of the conversation. Or not ....



<span id="intelliTxt">You don't just love puzzles. You also love intensity, depth, and drama -- okay, and maybe even melodrama on occasion. This is one of those occasions, especially when it comes to your one to one relationships. Needless to say, whatever you're feeling, if someone should try to get it out of you, you may give them a couple of unimportant details that will lead them to think they've 'got the goods' -- leading you once again to be amazed at just how easy it is to direct the herd if you've got a good leader.



<span id="intelliTxt">A coworker or friend will likely pull you aside with a worried look on their face. They need your advice, counsel, and the benefit of your knowledge -- not to mention one of those world-famous hugs. You can do an awful lot of good for them if you share your experiences. Once that's done, however, do not -- repeat, do not -- forget that you have a life of your own, complete with a person who'd like to be sharing a much bigger part of it.



<span id="intelliTxt">For some reason -- must be Mother Nature -- everyone loves their children. Even when they start behaving more like short, ruthless dictators than our divinely perfect darlings. If your kids or your sweetheart's kids or adults who are acting like kids are acting like that now, there's really only one thing to do: Call a babysitter, and put some distance between you and that (ordinarily) well-mannered, darling little cherub. Even if all you do is sit in the mall parking lot listening to the radio, it really is true what they say about absence.



<span id="intelliTxt">At the moment, it's all about secrets, and deciding whether or not to let them out of the bag. Your mission, then, is to be sure you're sure about each and every fact before you even think about opening your mouth to mention one of them. Oh, and speaking of your mouth, be warned that once it happens, you may not be able to close it as quickly as you'd like -- and you definitely won't be able to take back even one of those insults that are so stunningly well-put that your victim rarely realizes it's happened.



<span id="intelliTxt">You'll be torn between keeping absolutely, one hundred percent silent, and letting every single fact become common knowledge. The real dilemma will be deciding whether it's more important to be the authority figure or please the one who's one step over you on the ladder. Such a decision .... Still, once you've made it, don't waffle. Let the rest of the world play games. Think of how much fun it'll be to watch.



<span id="intelliTxt">You thought you were done with hearing the confessions of your friends, since you've let them all know that you really can't be surprised at this point. Suddenly, however, someone has called to mention something they're feeling rather guilty about -- and now that you know, you're going to feel guilty about it, too. Your only option is to trust your instinct, which has only let you down when you haven't listened.



<span id="intelliTxt">Right now, even as we speak, you're about to be entrusted with a secret -- and not just by one person, either. At least two confidantes will feel the need to connect with you about the same issue -- which, needless to say, could put you in a rather delicate position. Well, hopefully you're up for a bit of intrigue. Just be sure there isn't too much of that on the menu. It's rich, heady stuff, and too much of it is really hard to keep down.



<span id="intelliTxt">If anyone knows how to make rules, follow them and delegate authority, it's you. That goes double for rules that have already been tried and found to be absolutely true. Like 'honesty is the best policy,' for example. Still, every now and then, it's better to keep things under wraps, and you know it. This just might be one of those times -- especially since the Universe has tossed several undercover encounters your way.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone near and dear to you has recently come to you for a favor and being nothing if not an expert when it comes to friendship, your first impulse is to agree. If you're harboring even one little tiny iota of doubt about their motives, this doesn't mean you need to reconsider whatever it is they've asked you to do. But you really should find out exactly what's really going on here.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's only one person you can think of who's equipped to give you the advice you need now -- especially since it's such a private matter. So go see them, or at least give them a call. If you're not sure of what to do, most especially if the matter involves your career or reputation, don't hesitate to ask for help. After all, think of how many times and how many ways you've offered to help in the past -- without ever being asked.



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