Daily horoscopes for 7th October, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 7th October, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">Just when you were thinking that you might actually be willing to leave your pet project behind for a few hours, and that the intrigue of the past few days that drove you to it to start with might be over -- well, you've discovered that it's not. And with that certain person who seems to just love irritating you still hard at work on that project, you should probably stay right where you are, and keep working just as hard as you've been. It's best.



<span id="intelliTxt">Whatever is on your agenda now is exactly what you'll be telling the world all about. That goes double for the loved ones you're spending most of your time with. There may be a few surprises en route, though -- in fact, it's an absolute given that things probably won't work out exactly as you'd planned. Not that you'll worry about it. If anyone can be creative when it comes to surprising a loved one, it's you.



<span id="intelliTxt">A very intense situation that comes up at work could lead you to wonder if you ought to say what you know or just keep quiet -- and isn't that always a dilemma you end up facing? Since you may be feeling that you've kept this particular secret for far too long, consider what might happen once the truth is revealed. The good news is that, in the end, the truth always comes out anyway. You only need to decide if you want it to come out now.



<span id="intelliTxt">If anyone can sense something brewing, even before it's officially begun to brew, it's you. No doubt about it. At the moment, your intuition is definitely running on high, too -- as is your temper. Of course, that really can be a divine combination, especially if a certain someone who's been glancing at you across the room has been gradually (and deliberately) letting those glances last just a little too long.



<span id="intelliTxt">Back when therapists started talking about 'the dysfunctional family,' most of us realized that just about everyone's family is dysfunctional -- according to psychological descriptions, at least -- in one way or another. In your family's case, you probably have a most unusual, most successful way of handling all 'unusual' problems between family members: You agree to disagree, and keep loving each other. Keep that in mind now, no matter who pushes which button.



<span id="intelliTxt">When it comes to letting someone know when something's wrong, you've never been shy about it. That goes for lint on the lapel, a run in the stocking, or something they're wearing, something that does indeed look horrible on them. At the moment, that trait will be running on high, so the very least you can to is to mention that fact -- basically, to issue a disclaimer -- before you answer any and all personal questions.



<span id="intelliTxt">The heavens are absolutely insisting that you turn your attention toward a personal issue that could, indeed, end in an argument. No, we all know that you don't like to engage in that particular sport, but every now and then, it's just about impossible to avoid. If money is the issue and you need to put your foot down about a bill, or have a serious talk about a debt a loved one owes you, go right ahead.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your world-famous passion and determination to stick to your guns when you feel strongly about something is nothing to sneeze at. It never has been, but that goes double right now. You're irresistible and totally impossible to refuse -- not to mention just a tad persuasive. Don't rein it in, not one bit. Just don't pretend to be interested in someone if you're not -- especially if it's only to win. It's just not fair.



<span id="intelliTxt">You, Sag, have never been known for being shy, retiring, or afraid to speak your mind on your own behalf, or for others. You're also a good friend -- the best anyone could possible ask for, and not just when times are good. So when an equally good friend comes along, asking for your understanding and support -- and to please keep their secret for them -- you'll be right there for them.



<span id="intelliTxt">No matter who you associate with or how long you've actually known them, ever notice that you just can't seem to avoid being put in charge of something? Have the feeling right about now that what you're being asked to do by a friend amounts to them putting you in a position, once again, of being more of a friend to them than they've ever been to you? Well, here's your chance. Just say no -- and tell them all about why you're refusing.



<span id="intelliTxt">That 'friend' who seems to have it in for you lately? The one who seems to be playing both sides of a certain issue? The one who has you feeling as if you're constantly under a microscope? You're right. About every little bit of it. Their reasons may be a lot less devious or a lot more devious than you'd imagined, but either way, don't let them think they're getting away with it for one more minute.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's only one person on the face of the planet at this moment in time who can absolutely help you to figure out what to do -- you know it and they know it. The thing is, you haven't seen them for a while, and you're not quite sure where they are. Okay. Get those antennae working, and find them. Give them a buzz, send an email, or show up at their door. It's time to reconnect, anyway.



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