Daily horoscopes for 7th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 7th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon May 05, 2008 6:30 pm


Effective communication is not as easy for everyone to achieve as it is for you, so be on the lookout for people who really need help getting their meaning across. You can step in at the right moment to clarify their thoughts and help them get on the right track. Also, expect to have a very interesting conversation with a random person today -- someone next to you in a line, a fellow commuter, or just someone riding the elevator with you. Don't miss your chance to connect.


Wear your emotions on your sleeves today and let the special people in your life know what you're feeling! When you meet up with that person you are dying to get to know better or that person you need to impress, get down to communicating your real feelings right away. Speak in honest terms and ask for what you think you deserve. When you stop playing games, you start really understanding other people. Being up front and honest can be challenging, but it is always worth it in the end.


This is a great day to make plans with your friends -- big plans! They have the time, you have the time, and everybody has the desire! You all just have to grab hold of the energy that surrounds you, and put things into motion. Send some group emails and get those plans rolling. Before the end of the day, you should have narrowed things down to a time or at least a place. Consider putting together a budget everyone agrees on -- don't let money issues get in the way of a good time.


Listen to your internal voice today -- the whispers in the back of your head are speaking the truth. No matter what other people say, don't let them push you into doing anything that just doesn't feel right. Whether it's something as minor as going out to lunch or as major as signing a legal document, you need to be the one driving yourself to do it. Make sure you're comfortable with everything you get involved with. Don't respond to pressure, no matter how strong it is.


You should share your unique, open-minded perspective with someone close to you who is struggling right now. They need your help, even though they might not realize it. You see their dilemma in a way that they should know about -- it will be uplifting for them, and give them some hope. You can help them see what is possible, not what is problematic. So make some time today to take a walk with them, cook them a comfort food meal, or just ask them how they're feeling.


Communication could be a problem today -- the people you'll be dealing with are not patient enough to listen to each other, and conflict could ensue. At the very least, there will be some serious misunderstandings that create delays and confusion. Don't be surprised if people look to you to get everyone back on track and calm again. You're just about the only person who can get everyone's attention for any significant period of time. But you are definitely ready for the job!


Do not be afraid to ask for things to change in one of your relationships -- you are well within your rights to want to make things more like how you want them to be. Today, you should talk about new things you'd like to see added to your relationship and which old things you'd like to do away with, once and for all. The only rules in this thing between the two of you are the ones you two agree on. And none of them will change until you start that conversation.


When you see a chance to get ahead today (and you will), you have to take it, no matter how complicated it might make your life. Save all of your conventional thinking and deep contemplation for another time. Right now, your life should be all about taking risks -- because they are bound to pay off big time. You have been playing things safe for long enough. Today, go out into the world ready to roll the dice and bet big. You're overdue for a big win.


You need to be very careful when you are dealing with other people today -- not everyone is up to speed on the latest goings-on, and you could be listening to people who don't really know what time it is. So it will be important for you to make sure that you know who's in the know -- and who's totally out of the loop! Find out who's giving out all the directions or booking the reservations for a social event -- make sure they know that you are coming!


Your charm is bubbling out of you like champagne today, and you will be able to attract a lot of diverse people. Unfortunately, in that mix there will inevitably be some very flighty folks -- the kind of people who always talk about getting together but also always back out of your plans at the last minute. Just don't put too much faith in these good time friends, and you won't be disappointed if they let you down. Keep things light and you'll stay bright!


If your love life hasn't been going through a very active phase lately, today that could all change! You will experience a strong intellectual connection with someone who everyone thinks is single and ready to mingle. If you are too, this could be a golden opportunity. But if you are attached, use this spark of energy to inject new life into your current relationship and leave this person be! Just enjoy this meeting of the minds for what it can be -- platonic.


If your are in a partnership that is not exactly what you want, then don't move forward with it -- no matter how great it looks on paper. This holds true whether it's a romantic relationship, business partnership, or even just a casual friendship. If you are not getting as much as you are giving, or are not feeling supported by this other person in the manner that you require, then stop moving it forward. Wait for them to take things to the next level. You can't be the only one driving this.


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Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 9:59 pm

Post by Mandalynn » Wed May 07, 2008 10:17 pm

Wow, the Leo horoscope was way on target for me. I have to say I am new to this forum, but I am so glad that I found it. :)

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