Daily horoscopes for 12th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 12th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat May 10, 2008 6:30 pm


Your recent push toward getting to know someone better are creating good results, but pushing even harder is not going to create even better results. You should think seriously about turning down the heat and giving them a bit more space. Coming on too strong will only create a pressure situation -- and pressure has no place in a healthy relationship. Give the other person a chance to reach out to you. Let them ask a few questions and don't do all the work for them.


Has someone's super-sized ego been getting on everyone's nerves for a while now? Today, it's up to you to step up and alert them to the fact that their behavior is being perceived as arrogant -- and that the people who care about them most are starting to wonder if they have changed into a braggart. You have the best diplomacy skills of anyone in the group, and only you can deliver the news without causing them to get defensive. Tell them they can't act like they are better than everyone.


You will be meeting up with a very unique person today. They'll spark your interest and make you eager to get to know them better. Nevertheless, you should keep the conversation light and carefree. If you barrage them with too many questions or share too many details of your own life too soon, you will overwhelm them and scare them off. No matter whether you want this person in your life for personal or professional reasons, you need to start things off on the right foot by not going to fast too soon.


Make a very small change in your diet or eating habits today, and you could create some surprisingly dramatic results -- in your energy level, in how your clothes fit you, and even in your wallet! Restrictions can be pretty difficult at first, but you'll get used to them eventually. Meanwhile, feel free to indulge in extravagant antics in other areas of your life. Restore a comfortable balance by being more outgoing, starting more conversations, and flirting up a storm.


Why on earth would you turn to other people to get validation about what you are doing? An outside evaluation may feel more valuable than your own opinion right now, but in reality it is only what you think about yourself that matters. Other people see things through their own filters, and color things with their own issues, agendas, or even their jealousy. Without any guilt or compromise, you should feel confident about what you are doing -- and pride in what you have already done.


No one likes to hang out with people who think they are better than everyone else, so if you want to stay social right now you need to avoid talking too much about all your recent accomplishments. Being proud of yourself is great, but being cocky is not. So don't brag about anything today -- even those things that really are worth bragging about. Save your horn tooting for another day, when you are surrounded by family and the friends who love to cheer you on. They are dying to pat you on the back.


Looking at the glass as half full is going to get your day off to the right start, so make sure you put on a bright attitude when you get up today. When you greet the world with a smile, you inspire confidence and trust. You're intriguing, too -- and other people are going to be looking to you for the answer to whatever is making them blue. Are you ready to be therapist for a day? Give your time, but don't give out the solutions -- they have to come up with them on their own.


Make a connection with a stranger today -- smile, flirt, or start up a causal conversation. Having genuine, real contact with an unknown entity will give you some surprise perks. Being charming and friendly when you don't have to could bring you upgrades, free extras, or maybe just a sweet little ego boost. Reach out and make a new friend. It's all good, and it doesn't have to be for long. Choose to have a pleasant experience instead of an average one.


It's time to get started on a new project or relationship -- there is a lot of cheerful, positive energy around newness in your life right now. Things that begin today have a very good chance of enduring for a very long time, so if you have been wanting to schedule a first date with someone, this is the perfect day for it! Planning a party or other group social event is also highly favored -- everyone in your circle is eager to reconnect and catch up.


The universe knows that you deserve a relationship that is based on mutual respect and cooperation -- and you do, too. It's time for you to be more demanding about what you need and stop putting the desires of others above your own desires. This selfless phase of yours has gone on too long -- you have needs too, and they have to be met. If you think that you are creating a sense of harmony between yourself and your friends by giving in to their whims, you are wrong.


Your mind will be focused on the future right now, and it's a very good time to get things started -- the more ambitious, the better! Seek out something today that brings you some sort of mental or physical challenge. Someone close to you is excited about what they've been working on, so talk to them and find out how you can get your own new adventure started off on the right foot. They have some ideas that might seem far-fetched, but they will work.


Are you hesitant to get more personal with your boss because you fear that he or she won't like it? Nonsense! As long as you keep adequate boundaries, there is no reason not to ask them about their weekend, share a short story about your life, or ask if they got a new haircut. You are a multi-faceted person who offers more value to the office than just the work you do. Let them see the real you, and they will like you even more than they already do!


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