Daily horoscopes for 21st July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 21st July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:31 pm


Even if novels aren't quite your cup of tea, flipping through some books on the bestseller shelf or looking through a short story collection could give you a brand new idea about how to handle a real life problem. There is a lot of inspiration in creative expressions, especially those that encapsulate one special idea and convey it in a way you have never considered before. Often, mysterious feelings can be better understood if you can see them from a more dramatic point of view.


One of your friends is experiencing some relationship problems and they are letting them affect your friendship a bit too much, in your opinion. They're distracted when they're with you, and can only seem to talk about what's bothering them. It's no surprise that your patience is running low. Don't feel guilty about your frustration -- start a conversation with them. Remind them how much you care about them, but show them that by alienating you they aren't going to help themselves.


Coworkers can certainly help you get ahead in your career life, but as far as your social life is concerned, you should not look to them for help right now. Sure, they might know someone you'd be interested in getting know, but it's not wise to mix the workday with your weekends at this point in your life. This is not to say that you can't be friends with a coworker -- you can. But you need to avoid blurring the lines between your private life and your professional life.


The only problems you will have today will be caused by your unpredictable energy level. Your mood will be swinging a bit wildly, and it could be difficult for people to hang on for too long. Expect some folks to go their own way. But don't worry -- these rapid changes are nothing that you can't get a handle on before the end of the day. If your mind wanders off like it is destined to, just go with the flow and try to enjoy the fact that you're active at all, right now.


Taking people at their word is not a very wise thing to do today, because all that glitters is definitely not gold! Turn up your skepticism a little bit, and don't hesitate to doubt what you hear. Especially if it sounds too good to be true! Keep your cards close to your chest and don't give anybody clues about what you are thinking. Being critical of someone doesn't mean that you don't like or trust them. It just means that you are tough to impress.


Not everyone can be as informed and as experienced as you are, and it's not always their fault. So cut some people some slack when they frustrate you with their questions. They are just working at their own pace and abilities, and they are dong their best -- you can't fault them if their best isn't good enough for you. Instead of getting frustrated with them, just go off and take care of other things. They'll feel less pressure, and you'll feel less restricted.


Chemistry is important, but you must be on the same level as the people in your life if you want to find complete harmony. So if you're finding yourself attracted to an 'opposite' personality, be careful. When your energies are different from someone else's, it can be hypnotic and appealing -- but these differences can also lead to a lot of conflict. Are you prepared for that? Just be aware that what you think is an intriguing quality now could turn into an annoying one later.


This is a good day to play things cool. Be low key, and you'll end up getting much more attention than you would if you were running around schmoozing with everyone. You don't get yourself noticed by being loud and aggressive -- you get yourself noticed by being different from everyone else around you. When they yell, you should whisper. When they're laughing, you should be serious. Make yourself contrast with the rambunctious people around you today, and you will become their leader.


Your old ideas are getting musty! It's time to get a fresh perspective on your job, your family, and your relationships. It's not that there is anything wrong with any of them, it's just that every now and then you need to re-evaluate things. New perspectives are not always better ones, but they are always worth investigating. So if someone introduces something that makes you ponder, today, don't be afraid to explore it more deeply. Find out if you need to change the status quo.


If you're hit with a financial windfall, you shouldn't invest it all in one place -- or spend it all on one thing! Show your gratitude to the universe by spreading the love around! Give some of your money to a cause you feel is important for the future. Lend a friend in need some cash, even if it's just for lunch. You will get back way more than you give -- maybe not today, but eventually. Karmic payback is not always instant, but it is always worth waiting for.


Just because someone you know is looking for answers in their life does not mean that you need to give them to them. You might know exactly what they need to do, but they might not agree. Be careful not to come off as preachy with them -- after all, would you like someone else telling you how to run your life? Just listen to their complaints and instead of telling them what you think they should do, ask them what they would like you to do. They will appreciate your compassionate approach.


There are going to be many tantalizing options for self-promotion today -- but the question is, will you be bold enough to grab them? If you are looking to gain a higher profile at school, on your team, or in the eye of that cutie, then you need to do what it takes to get your time in the spotlight. Volunteer. Raise your voice. Make a scene. Do whatever you need to break through the crowd and show the world just who you are. No one else is going to do it for you.


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