Daily horoscopes for 30th July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 30th July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:30 pm


A family member who has been under a lot of pressure needs some relief, and you could be the one to give it to them. If they live far away, ask them to come visit you for a while -- a change of scenery might be just the ticket to get them feeling perky again. If they live in your neck of the woods, then make a date with them. Just the two of you. It's time to reacquaint yourself with a person you've known for so long. You don't know them nearly as well as you think you do.


You don't need an excuse to have a major celebration! It's a good day to indulge in an impromptu party with your nearest and dearest. Everyone's feeling sunny and has some reason to raise a glass and cheer. And their schedules are free! Best of all, you won't have to spend a lot of money in the process. Find a place where you can all gather and share the good times you're having. It's great to have positive news, but it's even better to have such awesome people to share it with!


The sun feels like it's shining a little bit brighter, today, doesn't it? Your mood is lightening. While your thoughts may not be clear, your goals are. Put a plan together for today so you can make the most of it. Avoid wasting any time on the couch. You don't have to get social if you don't want to, but you do have to keep active. Your mind will be buzzing all day long. You'll be seeing things in new ways and attracting people who could be very good for you.


Today you will get a phone call or email that contains crucial information about one of your most precious relationships -- and it will cause you to breathe a huge sigh of relief! What you have been worrying about isn't something you need to be worrying about, after all. You can now go back to your previously scheduled life! This mini-heart attack should serve as a gentle reminder that you should stop taking on the problems of other people so much. They can handle things on their own.


Now is definitely not the time to be modest about how great you are! Someone is curious about one of your recent accomplishments, and they want to know more details about how you did what you did. If you downplay everything, you'll sell yourself short. So be up front and honest about how hard you worked. Don't worry, it won't come off as egotistical. It will come off as intelligent. You know how to tell it like it is without coming off too cocky.


Do you want to get your way, today? Then speak up early and ask for it! Being aggressive is not a bad thing right now, especially since you know how to be aggressive and agreeable at the same time. Your diplomacy skills can work wonders for you now, so employ them frequently in every situation -- the coffee shop, the grocery store, even in your own home! And remember that people like to be liked, so don't skimp on the flattery either. Warm them up with a genuine compliment.


The universe has a wonderful gift for you, today -- the ability to appreciate the smaller things in life! Big fancy cars are fine, but that crazy little two-seater in the parking lot is what will stay imprinted on your mind all day long. Size isn't nearly as important to you right now as style, and this fresh outlook is something you should cultivate. Too many people are focused on quantity, not quality, right now, and they really need to hear what you have to say.


Feed your mind whenever you can today -- and don't give it any junk thinking! Gossip, trends, celebrity news and other types of shallow input won't do much to improve your mood or give you many good things to talk about. Turn the channel to the news station and education yourself on what's going on in the real world. Skip reality television and instead pick up a good book. You don't have to swear off silly stuff forever, but you do have to remind yourself how smart you are.


If you can be flexible with your friends, then you need to be just as flexible with your family. It's important to treat all the people you care about equally. It's not always easy, and many would say it's not even possible. But if you show people that you're at least trying to work with them, that's all that matters. So if a date has to be rescheduled, then it has to be rescheduled -- it's not the end of the world if plans have to be revised.


Your position in your social circle is about to skyrocket, so get ready! You've got the connections and the ideas to make your friends amazingly happy right now, and they know it! So have a little bit more faith. You are still very much loved by your friends! They will prove it to you soon enough when they start calling about what to do next weekend. It's time to pull out that plan you've had in your back pocket -- you know, the one that you think they'll never go for? This time, they will.


People who do not realize what they are doing will exert a major influence over your day, so you need to stay extra-aware if you want to keep your cool right now. The drivers next to you? They're all chatting away on their cell phones, oblivious to the fact that their left turn signal has been on for ten miles. Zen it out. Don't let it get to you. Just keep your distance from clueless folks and realize that they will get their just desserts. Focus on what you're doing all the more.


Why not do something that raises a few eyebrows today? You've got the creativity required to throw people for a loop, so why not use it? Shocking people or breaking the rules is a good thing to do right now -- especially if you can gain an advantage over other people in the process. Take a little bit of a selfish perspective, today, and do something that benefits you and you alone -- just make sure you don't make powerful people angry at you!


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