Daily horoscopes for 7th August, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 7th August, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:30 pm


There will be some exciting shenanigans going on today, but you need to think twice before getting involved in any of them, as fun as they might seem from your outsider perspective. It's a good time to initiate projects, but only the kind that are safe and on the up and up. Go slowly -- don't get caught up in the moment and lose your head. If there is a golden opportunity in the midst of all of this, it isn't going anywhere soon. There is no need to rush into anything.


Have you been having problems with your health? If so, it might be nothing -- or it might be something. The stress of not knowing is probably much worse than the reality of the situation, so do yourself a favor by make a doctor's appointment. You have to understand that nothing in your life is going to change unless you make a move to change it -- this applies to every aspect of your life, not just your health. The sooner you start something, the sooner you'll be finished.


You're usually the 'go to' person for finishing up things -- wrapping the presents, polishing the chrome, and in general just making things ready for public appreciation. But today, you should try to get on the other side of that dynamic. Instead of being focused on the outward appearance or the finished product, get into the guts of things. Be a part of coming up with the plans, fixing the problems, and building the machines. Your mind is good for more than just creating window dressing.


If you are in need of some positive energy, look no further than the nearest mirror. Creating your own happiness is easy, especially when you get out into the world and get active! Physical movement of any kind will make your blood pump faster and get your adrenaline flowing. So get out there today and dance, jog, walk, swim, or ride a bike for a while. It will put you in a much clearer state of mind, and if you do it regularly enough, it might even help you lose a few pounds!


In a group discussion today, others will agree with you -- but only up to a point. Just because heads are nodding and people are 'mmm-hmming' at everything you say does not mean that they are willing to march into battle with you. So before you assume that you've got some sort of mutiny or revolution on your hands, take a step back and realize that they are truly happy to hear someone like you say what they are feeling. Buy they just want to vent. They don't necessarily want do anything about it.


Your growing sense of self worth has come from deep within you, and that's why it is so strong and meaningful. Now, if your self worth was built only on compliments or other people validating your achievements, then it wouldn't be as solid. But you've taken risks and proven to yourself that you rock -- and you rock hard. So have no fears that you will lose your confidence just because you stumble here or there. You're made of stronger stuff than that, so have faith in yourself!


Beauty and other aesthetic ideals are important to you, today -- you'll probably spend more time putting together the perfect outfit than on anything else, all day. But this fascination with the way things look isn't shallow: It's going to feed you a lot of creative inspiration that will come in handy, later on. Soak in the scenery, take a walk in a garden, and try to get to a beautiful location for the sunset. The world is a beautiful place. Enjoy it!


In order to reduce the amount of stress in your life, you need to hand things over to someone you trust. Delegate some of your tasks at work or at home to another person who could use the experience. You can't worry about adding stress to their life by doing so -- right now you should just be concerned about creating a few calmer, quiet moments in your own day. Deciding what tasks to give to which people won't be too hard -- you know who you can count on.


If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, laughter is the best medicine! Your life could use a little more humor to lighten your mood and put you into a better frame of mind, so seek out some fun. Your first stop should be the video store -- check out your past favorites and grab a couple new comedies, too. Call up some friends and host a zany movie night. There's nothing like silly slapstick or even gross-out humor to help you take life a little less seriously -- for a while, at least.


You'll be greatly entertained by an authority figure today, which will be a nice change of pace. You're both going to be in a novel situation: Where you will be the expert and they will be the novice. It's a scenario that they might not know how to handle at first -- hence, you might need to suppress your laughter. More and more, you're seeing this person as human with foibles and quirks, and more and more you're liking them as a real person. Your relationship is becoming healthier.


You've got the right attitude to experience something new, today. Your mind is wide open, your expectations are low, and you're likely to be moving into some interesting, albeit unknown, territory. Just make sure that while you are off delving into some new hobby, discovering a restaurant or hitting the social scene that you aren't forgetting about a commitment you've made to a good friend or relative. You need to keep your priorities straight, even when you're playing world-discoverer!


If you need to reduce the amount of stress in your life right now, you have to reduce your debt. Being financially hindered is never wise, and digging yourself out of that hole is a lot easier that you think. It's s simple numbers game -- pay off more than the minimum on your monthly statement and little by little you'll get back on top. It's time to tighten your belt and start saying 'no' to those splurges. They're not worth the stress they will cause later.


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