Daily horoscopes for 19th August, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 19th August, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:30 pm


Today it is payback for you -- which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how many brownie points you have accrued in your karma account. If you worry that you're due for some bad news, try to keep busy! Staying distracted is the best way to soften whatever blows are coming your way. But if you're confident that you've built up a lot of good will, then this is a great day to relax. Open up your schedule and enjoy having unstructured time to soak up all the good vibes.


Try to avoid any financial dealings with your friends, right now. No matter how exciting an opportunity may be, it's just not worth the risk when the health and happiness of a friendship could be at stake. There is a lot of uncertainty about transactions and investments right now, and you all would be much better off if you delayed moving forward with things. Wait for another time, when things are clearer. Money is a very personal issue -- don't make it a public one.


If someone is critical about your work or your attitude today, don't waste any time worrying about it. Unless they are saying things that will negatively affect your reputation and how others see you, you don't need to give a darn about what they think. But if you do start seeing that people might be listening to this person and believing what they say, then you must address the attacker immediately. People will think that if you don't fight back then what they are hearing must be true.


You can't search for a ready-made new philosophy on life -- you have to create one, by exposing yourself to new ideas and theories. If you have been wrestling with a certain issue and just can't shake the bad way it's making you feel, seek some insight from friends. Ask them how they would handle things, and their answers will help you shape your own attitudes. What's right for them might not be right for you, but at least you're seeing different points of view. And that will be helpful.


There are all sorts of creative ways to get around the conflicts in your life, but ignoring them sure isn't one of them! Procrastination will never, ever help you get things done -- it will only keep you passive. Step up and take charge of your own life by having that conversation you've been dreading. Set some time aside later today and try to get face to face with the person who's causing you stress. If you can't do that, then talk to them on the phone in a quiet location.


There is a huge risk of people overreacting today -- so be careful about what you say to others, especially people you don't know very well. Even the slightest hint of something controversial could trigger someone's temper and get them all worked up and in your face -- who needs that? Plus, all of the excess energy they create will distract you from the things that really need your attention, today. So just carry on as you normally would. And keep an eye out for hotheads!


Staying in synch with other people is going to be fun and easy for you, today, which is obviously a very good thing. Each of the power players you are working with is right on the same page as you are, so you won't have to waste any energy being more flexible than you are willing to be. Everything you want to do, they will want to do -- and vice versa. So the tone of the day will be harmonious, and no one is going to be annoyed or out of sorts when you suggest your nuttiest idea.


More than ever before, new music and art will spark your creativity, today, offering you some new ideas and giving your brain a few new ways of thinking. Try to expose yourself to different music genres today -- when was the last time you listened to opera, Broadway tunes, or a little country? Click over to a music website and see what artists are similar to your favorites. If you have some money burning a hole in your pocket, you should invest in expanding your CD collection.


Childlike behavior is only cute when it's taking place among children -- so if you see grownups acting like they're ten today, do yourself a favor and steer clear of them! And if you can't steer clear of them, at least do not join in on their silly games. You've got grownup business to attend to, and sitting around gossiping or cutting people down behind their back is not going to help you. People may think you're being a party pooper by not joining in, but do you really care?


You have a natural patience and compassion that makes you a wonderful leader -- so why are you letting your fears keep you from stepping into that role? It's time for you to swallow your doubts and raise your hand when someone asks 'who wants to be in charge,' today. You know you can do this, and you know that you can do this well! You're only too glad to help, and there is no reason not to show it. Be enthusiastic, and all of your doubts will just fade away.


You might get sidetracked from one of your pressing projects by an unexpected relationship issue, today, but it probably won't be a problem. Don't worry about the distraction -- deal with it. You can take care of it without alerting anyone at work or school to the fact that anything is amiss. You'll be back, focused on the task at hand without anyone being the wiser. In fact, you can expect a few compliments by the end of the day about what a great job you're doing!


Your friends all come in different shapes, sizes, and styles -- so why are you treating them all the same way? It's not that you should play favorites, it's just that you need to start being more mindful of the fact that some friends require more attention from you than others. Just because friend A doesn't need to hear from you for months, doesn't mean that friend B is going to be cool with that. Make sure you're giving everyone what they need. And if you're not, it's not too late to start trying.


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