Daily horoscopes for 5th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 5th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:30 pm


Today, avoid people who are hostile to authority, because their message is definitely not going to be worth hearing. They'll feed into your insecurities and fears, which is not going to help you get to where you want to go. Instead, pay attention to the quieter, more subliminal heavy-hitting emotional business going on under the surface. Listen to what leaders are saying. While other people are off whining and complaining, you'll be gaining valuable insight and getting the upper hand.


It's odd, but the compliments a stranger gives you will mean so much more than what friends or loved ones say about you, today. Perhaps there is a tendency for people who know you to be jealous about how fabulous you look or how popular you've become, which prevents them from genuinely meaning what they are saying -- and you'll pick up on it. Try not to get upset that the people you rely on are letting you down in terms of cheering you on. Just let it go today.


Big personalities are arriving on the scene, today, and they might try to crowd you out of the action. The best approach for these kinds of people is to just let them have the stage. If you fight them for the limelight, they'll only push back at you harder. To get things started on the right foot, you should step back and give up some of your share of the attention. They won't notice your sacrifice, so don't expect any gratitude. But you will be making your life a lot easier.


You can make a fresh start with someone you've been arguing with today -- all you have to do is put in all the work required. You also have to humble yourself and admit where you went wrong. Start this conversation as early in the day as possible, and try to ensure that it takes place face to face. Meeting for coffee in the morning would be perfect. You have the energy for this task, and you certainly have the desire to help bring all this emotional intensity and upheaval to an end.


Try as they might, no one will be able to get anything over on your today! You're in a very strong intuitive phase right now, which means you can smell baloney a mile away. This puts you an extremely powerful position if you are making any negotiations, and will help you get further in a romantic conquest if there's anyone around who has caught your eye. It's almost as if you can read people's minds. There is a ton of good energy in your life right now, and your luck has never been better.


You can choose the path to take today -- even if it feels like you need to follow instructions or just go along with the crowd, you need to remember that you always have a voice, and you always can use it. So if you are feeling under pressure from someone you are romantically interested in, follow your heart. Do not delve deep into any type of emotional entanglement right now unless you are completely ready. If you're not, then they'll just have to wait for you.


It's important for you to remind yourself of the value of money, right now. Stop using so much plastic and get back to a cash-based economy. You need to remind yourself that every dollar you spend means one less dollar you have. It's too easy to forget that when all you do is hand over a little piece of plastic to someone. Even if you're not worried about your money situation right now, it would be best to stop relying so much on credit. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.


Your social circle suddenly has more of a magnetic pull for you, but you should be wary of spending all of your time with others -- no matter how much you adore them. You've got to keep your priorities straight, and unfortunately hanging out with your friends does not rate above getting your work finished, right now! Do not put off the boring stuff just because it's boring. Get it done as soon as you can -- the faster you finish, the sooner you will be able to kick back and have fun.


Safety should be your top concern today, so shy away from anything that is emotionally or physically dangerous. A new relationship you've just entered into is riskier than you initially realized -- this person is not being completely honest with you, so avoid making any big commitments right now. If you are feeling a bit fragile, then let your people know about it. Otherwise, they could worry that they said something or did something to offend you.


It's all well and good to talk about what your hopes are for the future -- but is talking about them going to help them come to fruition? You've done a good job of figuring out what you want, but now you have to focus all of your energy on making it come into being! You're the only person who can take yourself where you want to go in life. So set aside some time. Set some specific goals before your dreams disintegrate and you lose an opportunity.


The already-thin line between your family and your career is getting even thinner right now -- but you don't have to stress out about it. This might not be such a bad thing, at least for the time being. Mixing these two worlds together will enable you to operate more smoothly and efficiently in both of them! So try to embrace this time in your life. Sure, it might be a bit more hectic than you would like it to be for a while, but it will definitely be rewarding in the end.


A friend or coworker can't stop talking about a trendy new project or hobby they've discovered -- they talk a good talk, and your interest has been stirred up to a near-fever pitch. You want to hop on board this bandwagon as soon as possible! Slow down there -- you don't want to get involved in stuff you are unsure of too soon. Give yourself time to research and observe other people who are already doing what you're contemplating doing. Let them go through the trial so you don't make an error.


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Post by ratishadas » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:35 am

Thank you. I was in a dialama about tomarrows meeting and was worried of handling the scene there. Now I understand how to handle it. Thanks again.

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Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:35 pm

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Post by prabjasb000 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:39 pm

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