Daily horoscopes for 8th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 8th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:30 pm


Culture clashes don't have to be negative experiences -- sometimes, when you come face to face with a different tradition or custom, it makes you reevaluate your own lifestyle in a much more conscientious way. If you meet up with someone from a different country or religious belief system today, ask them more questions about why they do what they do. You will definitely learn about your differences, but you will also be very surprised at just how much you have in common.


You should step outside of your comfort zone today -- it won't be scary at all, not today. You have a new wave of bravery coming your way, but you won't be able to ride it until you decide to rely on it. So take a leap, and the safety net will be there. Just trust yourself and believe that no matter what happens, you can handle the outcome. Exploring new cultures will also be more rewarding for you, right now. You're ready to be exposed to new ideas and customs.


Someone you care about is in over their head in a new relationship, a new job, or perhaps a new and expensive purchase. Take note of their behavior, today -- do they seem like they need someone to talk to? If they reach out to you, make yourself available -- but don't come down on them and start lecturing them! Preaching will not get you anywhere, except on their list of people to avoid. If they don't ask for help, just let them figure things out on their own.


The harmony between you and your coworkers is at an all-time high, right now, and it is certainly music to your ears. The camaraderie between all of you is downright seductive, and it could create a new friendship out of professional partnership. If you feel like increasing the amount of socializing you do with these people, then by all means go for it, as soon as possible. But just be careful that you don't get too carried away. There are complications that you haven't considered.


It might sound like fun, but you can't spend your life going from one adventure to another -- you just won't have the energy for it. Plus, if you're always off exploring new things or visiting exotic places, when will you ever be able to establish roots with people? Having excitement in your life can get boring after a while, so get ahead of the curve by slowing down, today. Quit while you're ahead and remind yourself how nice it can be to stay at home and watch TV.


Be careful not to just go with the flow, today -- not everyone knows as much about the day's situation as you do, so why are you following their instructions? Just because they have the loudest voice doesn't mean they have the best ideas. So if something triggers your baloney detector, then you owe it to the group to speak up. You don't have to be confrontational -- just ask about the reasons behind the rule. At the very least, you'll understand the plan better.


Today, you need to restore some balance in your social life. Have you been the fluttering social butterfly, too popular to stay in any one place for long? Then put down some roots and slow down for a while. Spend more time with fewer people. On the other hand, if you've been attached by the hip to someone for weeks, get some more diversity going. Plan a group event and refresh your memory when it comes to what a great variety of people you have in your life.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being giving and generous to the people you love -- after all, when you care about someone, you want to do things that show them how valuable they are to you. But today, your extravagant spirit could run the risk of putting your bank account in jeopardy! Cut out the unnecessary gifts for a while -- and instead of picking up the check at lunch, split it. The people you'll be with won't mind, and it will be the start of a very good habit.


It is so wonderful that your confidence is growing so steadily right now, but you need to be careful that you don't get too cocky! Because although you've scored many wins recently, it's inevitable that you will come in at second place sooner or later. So stay humble and accept your accolades as they come --but don't ask for more. People get annoyed when they're asked to applaud for someone they've already acknowledged. Don't push your luck.


That little voice inside of you knows what's good for you -- and more importantly, what is not good for you. Listen to it today, and you'll hear some surprising things. It will be urging you to have more discipline and structure in your ideas and plans, or else they will never come to be. The days of hanging out and sleeping in are over! No one can shape your life as well as you can, so stop looking for outside solutions and start rolling up your sleeves. Get to work. You can do it!


You'll be walking, talking and thinking right in step with both your closest friends and total strangers, today. Everyone is in synch with you -- or maybe you're in synch with them. Either way, making connections with other people is going to be much easier for you, today, and it will reap much bigger rewards than you imagined. Not only will you be feeling much more comfortable in your own skin, but you are finally able to accept yourself for who you are. Appreciate what you bring to the discussion.


Be aware that someone you consider to be your equal is starting to act like an authority figure in your life -- this behavior is not something you should ignore. Sure, you might find it funny that they think they can tell you what to do with your life, but if you'll notice, they aren't laughing! Nip this thing in the bud and remind them that you have just as much power as they do, but you don't boss them around. You're not about to do what they tell you to do just because they say so.


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