Daily horoscopes for 18th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 18th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:30 pm


The actions of other people will be very unpredictable, today, so you need to be prepared for anything. And although this day may test your flexibility and your patience, it will still be quite enjoyable. You like it when things are interesting, and unpredictability is part of the price you pay for 'interesting.' One of your friends might have an interesting social opportunity for you, but you need to have them explain things in more detail before you say 'yes.'


Money-wise, you are on somewhat more solid footing right now, although it wouldn't hurt to have a few more coins in your coffer! Put a little bit more effort into conserving more of your funds. The easiest way to do that is to cut out the luxury treats. Get a plain old cup of joe instead of some fancy concoction that takes longer to order than it takes to drink. And leave the credit cards at home. The more you use cash, the more you'll understand how much you're actually spending.


There are some pretty fascinating people around you right now, so it might be tempting to just sit back and watch the people around you do their thing, today. But why not try to figure out a way to get involved? You might not know as much as everyone else, but who says you have to be a pro to have fun? Your brain could use a little puzzle to solve anyway, and a steep learning curve might be exactly what you need right now. Obstacles can be fun, so don't be afraid of climbing over them!


No one sees things quite like you do, and more and more people are starting to enjoy your take on the world. Some of your ideas might leak out today in an unconscious act on your part, and it might make you nervous. But even if you are not quite ready for people to know about them, you will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that these people really dig your ideas! Get used to getting more attention, because what starts today will not end anytime soon.


It's time to get social! You put in lots of effort toward your professional life, and now you need to start putting just as much effort toward your personal life, too. Your mission is to accept any and all invitations you get without hesitation -- no matter how unexciting they might sound. If there are any celebrities in your social circle right now, you are definitely one of them, so you need to take advantage of the spotlight while you have it. Have fun with your people and relax for a while.


Are you excited about your upcoming travel plans? You should be! Not only will everything go fairly smoothly, there is a distinct possibility of an upgrade of some sort. So stay optimistic about things and don't worry about the tiny details. You are about to become exposed to a lot of new things that will amuse you, shock you, and most of all -- educate you! So take notes and lots of pictures, because you will want to remember this trip for a long time.


You will feel a magnetic pull towards a person who you've never met before -- resist the urge to follow this person wherever they go, but do keep an eye on them. There is a reason that they interest you, and if you can't figure out what it is, you need to get more information in order to do so. You have been waiting for someone to show you a better way of being with people. Could this be that someone? It might take time to determine this, but you should seek out the answer.


There's no sense in hurrying to get things done today -- it will only result in you wasting your energy. Sometimes it's easy to confuse being busy with getting things accomplished, but you need to keep your focus on what needs to happen today -- not on what you would like to have happen tomorrow. Let that take care of itself. Try to work on the social aspect of your life a little bit more intensely -- there are goals there that you have not met yet.


Fire up your laptop and get a spreadsheet started, because you need to stay on top of all the details that will be flying at you today! You can't afford to let any numbers, names or dates fall through the cracks. Take nothing for granted. Avoid the grey areas and the 'maybes.' Make people commit to 'yes' or 'no.' Your life needs to be all about black and white facts right now. This will enable you to get more focused and reduce the drama in your life.


Even if you don't have a sweetheart right now, this day is going to be full of romance for you! So if you're not going to be falling in love with another person all over again, you'll be falling in love with yourself all over again -- which might feel ten times as sweet. You are a wonderful person, and even if there's no one in your life right now to remind you of that fact, you can remind yourself. It's a nice powerful feeling to remind yourself how special you are.


Are you getting bored? The best cure for an uninteresting life is to take a few risks! So today, try to put yourself in a situation where you could be rejected -- or at least come out with less than you put in. You shouldn't do anything too silly, like spend your life savings on lottery tickets, but you should do something a little risque. Maybe it is time to ask that certain someone out, try out a trendy new fashion look, or try your hand at a complicated gourmet dinner.


Try to use a form of communication that is a little bit out of the ordinary today. Telephone calls, letters, even emails are just so old school! You'll get your message across -- whatever it is -- a lot more effectively if you use some creativity, especially if you are trying to get your feelings across to a potential new sweetie. Use beautiful words in a poetic sense to let them see into your heart. Whether you literally write a poem or not is up to you. Just make sure they know how you feel.


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