Daily horoscopes for 2nd October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 2nd October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:30 pm


There are going to be a lot of different emotions swarming around inside of your heart today, which could cause you so much confusion that you might get frustrated. But the problem isn't your feelings, it's your attitude. Instead of feeling so many feelings, move them up to your brain -- and start thinking them through. Take each emotion one at a time, and just try to identify what you are feeling. Once you do, you will be able to find the cause -- and then eventually find the cure.


You've been focused on your latest goal with such intensity that you are in danger of over-thinking things! Take a step back today and just let things simmer for a while. Put your energy into cultivating and strengthening your personal relationships. Make more social engagements. There is no stop clock running on you, so there is no need to hurry, right now. This is a day much better suited for conversation and laughter than it is for putting your shoulder to the wheel and working so hard.


A health concern you had recently will turn out to be nothing, but that doesn't mean you should go back to living your life the same way you always lived it. It's important to focus on preventative measures now. Getting more active is easier than you think -- just start playing more of the sports you enjoy. Also, getting your emotional health in check is important now. You're feeling happy, but once you start sharing your affection with others, your happiness will grow exponentially.


Today is a very good day for you to initiate anything that you have been contemplating, from starting a new book to starting a new relationship. The stars shine very favorably on new initiatives right now. And once all of the key elements are in place, you should start to feel the momentum take over -- and you can reduce the amount of energy you put into this project. All you need to do is give things a big shove in the right direction and they'll go along well!


You'll get some honest feedback that might be a little too honest for your ego -- the cold hard truth will hit you pretty hard. But before you run off to lick your wounds, take a moment to realize how valuable this feedback is to you. It holds all the clues about what you need to do to make things better in your life or in your job. So be grateful for it, and get to making those revisions you need to make. Now is not the time to take things personally.


Give credit where credit is due, today -- you have to make sure that you communicate to other people how impressed you are with their behavior or accomplishments. Because when you do, you set up a reciprocal relationship. This person will be the first person to cheer you on when your time in the spotlight arrives! Giving to others feels good, but it's also a great way to ensure that others give to you some day in the future. Build more bridges.


Whatever you do today should not be all about money -- make sure you have the right motivations. It can be easy to assume that as long as you're doing something that will get you richer, it's the right thing to do. This is not true, especially today. Do things because they are the right thing to do, not because they are profitable. If you only think about financial gain you will ultimately be selling yourself short. Acting selflessly today could create greater gain later on down the road.


You have an extra strong appreciation of beauty, today, and will fall into its magnetic field a bit too easily. This is fine if your day is open and you're looking for something fascinating to keep you occupied. But if you have a full plate, you had better watch out! Stay focused on what you're doing and just keep on doing it until it's done. Then, and only then, can you relax and get lost in a pretty picture, great CD, beautiful hiking trail, or the eyes of your sweetheart.


Your days of feeling moody and slow are coming to an abrupt end, today! There is going to be a huge rush of energy flooding into your body and your brain, making today a wonderful day to prove your capabilities and blow people out of the water. If you're going to be getting a lot of attention, today, you are sure to shine -- your quick thinking and witty quips will keep people engaged and thrilled to be in the presence of such greatness! No one and nothing can make you sour today.


There is going to be a lot of erratic energy buzzing around your circle of friends today, but you can't let it get in the way of your plans! Unless one of your friends asks you point blank for help, don't get involved in their dramas. They know you care and they know that you will be there if they need you. But they also want you to be happy and not to cancel or change your life just because theirs is going through some upheaval! They won't give you grief for not rescuing them.


Your positive attitude has always helped you out in life. But right now, it will enable you to satisfy your growing need to be socially useful. By being able to take things as they come and adapt to any kind of group situation you are not accustomed to, you will show other people how to do the same. People look to you for clues about how to behave more often that you think. So today, you should always try to set a good example for others, especially children.


Today, starting something new should only happen if you've got all the evidence you need to feel confident about it. Do not get involved with stuff you are unsure of, no matter how tantalizing or exciting it might seem. Taking risks right now is not advised. Load up on the skepticism and apply it liberally to any 'great' new opportunity that comes your way. And remember that the harder someone pushes you to join in, the more likely it is that they have ulterior motives.


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