Daily horoscopes for 9th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 9th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:30 pm


Your curiosity might be getting the better of you, right now -- your quest for knowing all the answers all the time has led you down a path that just might be a dead-end street. So today, why ask why? Probing into every little mystery will only give the mystery power over you. So don't try to figure out why things are happening the way they are happening, don't try to get to the bottom of the new juicy gossip. Just roll with the punches and try to get comfortable with life's ambiguities.


Someone is back on the scene, and they might have a hard time adjusting to the fact that you have much more power than you did when they first worked with you. This could create a power struggle, but only if they start first. You need to remember your position and have confidence in your leadership. They are the one who has to get used to a new situation, not you. So just keep doing what you have been doing and treat them like you'd treat anyone else.


Start exploring the places, people and things that are foreign to you -- from food to music to politics, what other countries have to offer will suddenly be fascinating to you. Things have settled down a bit in your own life, so you will need something to stimulate your mind and get you thinking about new things. A trip to an ethnic restaurant or a few minutes spent listening to another country's folk music will do just that. You're open minded and eager for something different.


An unexpected influx of money is coming your way, today, but it won't be enough to make a huge difference in your life. Consider donating it to a charity, a needy person you encounter during your day, or just a super efficient server at your favorite restaurant. It will make a bigger impact on their life than on yours and it will make you feel so good to brighten someone's life that way. Random acts of kindness always feel good -- so if you don't do one today, at least do one soon.


You need to get things done today, and you might have to swallow your pride to get it all done. It's necessary for you to ask for the help you need, as long as you don't make it a habit. If someone already knows what you're going to ask for before you ask it, then you should move on to a different person who isn't always your first stop when you are in need. Be open about what you want to do, and share your excitement -- it will go a long way toward convincing someone to help you.


Your regular way of doing things might not be different today, but it is probably going to feel different. Something has changed in you, and it's giving you a fresh perspective on your daily life. You're seeing things that need to change, and you're eager to start making the transitions. This is all well and good, but you have to be mindful that nothing can happen overnight. Start that long journey with one step. Make your goals easily attainable for now.


A friend will offer you some unsolicited advice today, and while that is your least favorite kind of advice, it is still advice that you should take. It could hold the key to a new romance or the acceleration of your current romance. They've been through this all before, and their experience has taught them a lesson that they think you should learn -- and they are right! So make sure you're all ears when this friend starts to get serious. They are trying to help.


If your favorite authority figure has ceased to be inspiring or motivating to you, then it's time for you to find a new mentor! There is a good chance that they have gotten a bit lazy about exploring new ideas -- and if so, how are they going to inspire you to do it? Find a person who intimidates you a little bit, whose methods of thinking or working are odd to you. Then observe them for a while and see whether or not they have new things to teach you. They'll be flattered by your attention.


The way you interact with strangers could impact your day in a very big way -- if you choose to ignore everyone you don't know, then your day will be uneventful and typical. But if you engage with other people as often as possible, you will find a huge shift in your energy and creativity. You don't have to make any new friends, but why not smile a bit more? Make silly small talk with someone as you ride the elevator together. Interaction is invigorating.


Your old habits are holding you back in your career more than you realize -- they're dying hard, and you have got to try harder to kill them! Luckily, your focus is growing much stronger today, and you are finally beginning to understand the value of sacrifice in your life. So next time the urge to do something negative pops up as you go about your usual routine, take a detour. Changing your plans today will go a long way towards helping you resist bad behavior tomorrow.


You truly value the people you have in your life right now -- so you should set aside some time to get to know them even better. Take someone out to lunch or accompany a new friend while they run some errands. Inserting yourself into someone else's life is easy right now, especially because so many folks are eager to welcome you in! You are entering a phase where your ambition is going to take a back seat to your desire to get along well with others.


Sometimes dreams are just dreams -- so if you are still scratching your head over a recent series of confusing night visions, stop scratching! These odd images might hold valuable clues about what to do with your life -- or they might just be exercises your brain is doing while your body sleeps. Trying to gain insight from your dreams right now will only be a waste of your time. Instead, if you want to figure things out, look at your life realistically.


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