Daily horoscopes for 12th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 12th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:30 pm


If your feet are not planted firmly on the ground today, you are in grave danger of getting swept away in someone else's dreams! It's one thing to be supportive of what your friends want out of life, but it's quite another to do all the work for them -- or to go off your own path in order to help them get farther down theirs. So today, make sure you act with your own benefits in mind -- you should be your top priority right now. Being a little selfish right now is totally okay.


If you are making any big decisions today, you need to be selfish with your time -- take all you need to learn what you need to know. You have to feel comfortable coming down on one side or another, and the only way to do that is to learn all you can. You already know enough details to make some educated guesses, but that won't be enough for you to feel comfortable. It's not a very good day for guessing. Too much is still up in the air.


You won't have much patience for the folks who love to beat around the bush, today -- if someone can't just say what they mean and be clear about it, then you won't be interested in putting forth the effort required to pull it out of them. And good for you! After all, you are clear with what you mean, so why shouldn't other people return the favor? So don't feel bad if you keep walking when someone tries to get you to guess about what they really mean. They're playing a game.


Your instincts are good -- so why aren't you trusting them? Just because that one friend or coworker was right and you were wrong doesn't mean that they know better than you how you should run your life! Just because your instincts aren't perfect one hundred percent of the time doesn't they are worthless. Don't give up on your gut! Listen to your strong intuition right now -- and no matter where it takes you, have no doubts that your heart is in the right place.


Today your perception is starting to shift -- you are suddenly much more willing to see the other side of someone's argument and see that while this person might not agree with you, they do have a good point and they do deserve to be respected. By becoming more open minded, you will encourage people to come to you more often with interesting ideas that you couldn't think of on your own. This will have a very invigorating effect on your creative pursuits.


Respect other people's opinions, and they will respect yours -- it's that simple. So while it might take everything you've got to keep from screaming at someone who is saying totally nutty things, holding back is absolutely essential. You can certainly disagree with this person, and you should. But a well-placed and tactful word at the right time will be all it takes. There is no place for getting personal about the issues you feel passionate about. It degrades your argument.


You have been doing too many things 'on the go,' lately. While this might make you think that you are getting lots of things done, all of this running around could be distancing you from the real meaning behind what you are doing! You have to make more time, and you have to make it today. Slow down and pay attention to the task at hand, whether it's just driving to work, eating lunch, or going to the grocery store. This multi-tasking mania has got to stop.


The explorer deep inside of you should call all the shots, today -- let it lead you into exploring new kinds of art. You're ready to have your beliefs challenged and to evolve into a new way of thinking, and visual art is an especially good way to achieve this. This is a wonderful day to stimulate your brain by visiting a modern art museum, watching an innovative foreign film, or seeing a dance performance. Even what you don't understand or like will teach you new things.


It's not a day about feeling -- it's a day about thinking! Your brain is set to think in a more analytical way and your heart is letting it drive things for a while. You might start to seem a bit detached from friends -- especially the ones who always call you up with gossip or to talk about their latest dramas. While you'll still be as compassionate as ever, you will also be slightly distracted by the tasks you have to complete. Work will come first for you now, and that's perfectly okay.


Be mature, today -- step up and accept the ramifications of your recent behavior. The good news is that when you face the music and dance, you will end up getting into the groove in no time at all! Everyone makes mistakes, but it's a sign of your high-quality character that you can admit it when you make one. Trying to avoid responsibility or blaming someone else for your poor deeds might momentarily save you from admonition, but it will also encourage people to respect you less.


A little voice inside of you is telling you to heed the warnings around you. 'Keep your cards close to your chest,' says that voice -- and you should definitely obey it. Taking little or no risk is the right way to go, right now, especially in terms of your bank account. Gambling, frivolous shopping and extravagant gift giving should be avoided at all costs. It shouldn't be too difficult to do, though -- your interests are shifting away from acquiring material goods right now.


You've been almost like an action hero lately, swooping in and coming to the rescue of people in need! All of this helping others has been wonderful for your self esteem, but boy it can be exhausting work! So today you need to take some time out from being there for others -- and be there for yourself! Lavish yourself. Get some alone time and just do whatever you want to do. You deserve a mellow, quiet night. It will renew your spirit and reenergize you for another day.


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